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Farewell to a year in which the Dianense society has shown more solidarity than ever

31 December 2013 - 00: 02

In 2013 met a chilling fact: during 2012, more than 2.000 people sought help for lack of resources. This year was created in Denia Bureau forWhich joins four Red -Cross social organizations, Salvation Army and Caritas Interparroquial Evangélica Bautista Church The Trinitat-, a table from which to allocate resources to the most needy that has had all year with the collaboration of dianenses when they have been asked to help.

From food donations to financial donations as in the Social Security concertIn one way or another, a large majority of citizens have wanted to collaborate to the best of their ability.

With a total number of 5.377 people pointed to unemployment in the cityThe situation is critical and they showed citizens taking to the streets on many occasions to protest the central government cuts.

Denia also has not been oblivious to the drama of forced evictions, and earlier this year created the Platform of Affected by the Marina Alta Mortgage in order to inform and help people at risk of eviction throughout the region. We have known some shocking cases and hopeful, but all of them outrageous.


In 2013 we have been surprised with some curious news, such as the a basking shark catch in a boat that fished in dianenses waters accidentally. A specimen that after being returned to the sea was rescued and killed by another fisherman in the waters of Jávea.

El birth in Dénia de María Lorena, The biggest baby born in Spain natural childbirth, made headlines across the country. With 6 20 kilos and grams María Lorena turned her mother, Maxime, in a whole heroin.

Marina Health Hospital

María Lorena was born in the Hospital Marina Salud, a hospital whose management has been compromised since its inception and which is news for things unrelated to healthcare.

In January we knew that the police arrested a Murcia Fake doctor who practiced at the Hospital de Dénia and we knew that shortly after he was reprimanded by installing cameras in women's restrooms. He was a man of 42 years since I woke suspicion among coworkers.

To the Hospital de Dénia moved equipment TV Salvados, Directed by Jordi Évole to talk to their managers, but none of them wanted to participate in the interview. "The follonero"However, yes he could talk to Dr. Artur Royo, Health Center Pego, and José María Paricio, former head of pediatrics at the Hospital, on the so-called "Alzira model".

The controversy surrounding the management of a private company Marina health, which denounced from Intersindical Salut by forcing an ERE in the cleaning company, Cutting 145,5 hours of weekly cleaning.

And if the thing goes figures, also met last year were derived 9 only patients from the region to the Hospital of Chronically Pedrera. Marina Health was justified alleging economic reasons. Currently, the Department has urged the company to refer patients from the region to this hospital and not Fontilles, as he had done so far.

The good news in health is the reopening of closed emergency centers since last summer and, after intense political representatives and citizens' protests have become a launch.

The weather was a major player

Denia rain, rain do not know. And the facts we refer: August finalized in red alert and more than 100 liters per square meter on our streets, leaving prints that many years since we've seen, as the neighborhood of Saladar completely flooded by water.

But if the water tastes not fall ... when the wind gives you by blowing, it does dramatically: in January 2013, a strong winds collapsed panels in the Pavilion of Joan Fuster, leaving the installations deserted during several days in which it was not possible to practice sport.

But not only nature makes these "evil". The hand of man, from time to time, give us a scare. That happened in late July, when it was declared a fire on a plot of les planes. After studies of firefighters, we learned that the fault lay a balloon with a candle neighbors from a nearby urbanization launched into the air.

Own names

Cristina Sellés, Quique Sastre, the Scouts, and Jessica Romero are some of the proper names that 2013 leaves us.

Cristina Sellés to be the new president of AETHMA after several years of presidency Rafa Codina. With it begins a new era for the hospitality and Dianense entrepreneurs.

Quique Sastre He was dismissed as president of Red Cross Dénia by the Provincial president of the entity in Alicante, Emilio Bascuñana Galiano. Sastre explained in a statement, "personal differences". He took over from Sastre a connoisseur of the local assembly, José Francisco Montiel.

El Scout group Dénia 2013 40 held in years of adventures together, with an act of homage to some of the most important people in their history.

For its part, Jessica Romero, President of Ludai, was recognized in the Women's Day for her tireless efforts in the struggle to improve the quality of life of your child and children who, like him, suffer "rare" diseases.

2013 ends in Dénia are bittersweet in their society: on the one hand, the impotence of seeing that the crisis continues to affect the weakest and that nobody does anything to change it. On the other hand, the citizen's conscience, which seems that every day is going more and that makes us aware that together, we can achieve great objectives.

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