
Discussion and Comments

AM, on April 26, 2024 at 23:41
Jovenes: 'nos vamos porque no tenemos oportunidades de crecer personal y profesionalmente, de lo único que hay trabajo es de semiesclavitud en hostelería'. Solución: abrir una escuela de hostelería. Jovenes: 'no hay vivienda y la que hay está carísima'. Solución: impedir la construcción de fincas de pisos con vivienda utilitaria y construir chalets y apartamentos vacacionales en Sorts de Mar, donde nadie de los que vivirá ahí será de Denia.Tenemos justo el modelo que se impulsa desde las instituciones. Es lo que tiene que los jóvenes no sean un colectivo rentable electoralmente.
A.M., on April 26, 2024 at 23:34
¿Vox? Pero si vox son igual de lameculos de viejos que el PSOE. Dale las gracias mejor, al liberalismo, al europeísmo que nos ha desindustrializado y las fronteras abiertas, que nos han convertido en un balneario de guiris, que vienen a que los morenitos del sur de Europa les abaniquemos. Favorecer a los jovenes, no renta electoralmente. Y más si, como PP-Vox, estás a favor de la patronal hostelera y de todos los rentistas guiris que están comprando masivamente viviendas para alquiler vacacional.
A.M., on April 26, 2024 at 23:26
Lo será para tí, que serás, o bien funcionario, o bien hijo de papá con una casa heredada, o rentista de alquiler vacacional o dueño de algún negocio de negrero explotador de hostelería, que es de lo único que hay trabajo. En Denia no hay oportunidades para los jovenes, es lo que tiene no ser un grupo rentable electoralmente. Ponte a trabajar de camarero sin dar de alta, 18h al día y cobrando 50€ la jornada, que es el único tipo de trabajo que tenemos en tu amada Denia, anda... Luego hablamos.
Enrique, on April 26, 2024 at 22:03
El que llegó al poder por una moción contra la corrupción resulta que igual es corrupto. Mentiroso ya sabíamos que era mucho. ¿Nos habrá engañado en esto también?. Lo que si ha demostrado con creces es ser tramposo, mentiroso y traidor. Y que le gusta más tratar con delincuentes. (Terroristas e independentistas) que con gente honrada, por eso, tiene tanta manía a los Jueces. Qué país está dejando este descastado y trastornado personaje!!
Juan Collado, on April 26, 2024 at 19:35
Font es desleal. Sí. Pero lo ha sido siempre. A su partido primero. Al que fundó luego, después. Y si hace falta volver a serlo con el PP lo será. Pero lo peor es que lo es con Dénia. Solo mira por su interés.
Daniel, on April 26, 2024 at 14:47
Y luego hablamos de Cataluña. Aquí hay problemas con catalanistas y españolistas. Y la revolución, la izquierda de podemos y sumar que deberían gobernar junto al PSPV no gobierna. Lamentable panorama.
Jopelin, on April 26, 2024 at 10:16
Pedro...Pedro...don't abandon us. What are we going to do without you? Remember that if you leave our bargain runs out and thousands of people from all over Spain run out.
Antonio, on April 25, 2024 at 22:47
Best views in this apartment: https://www.miradorelmar.com/
Ana, on April 25, 2024 at 15:24
The best beauty and hairdressing center in Dénia. Advice with elegance and professionalism, the quality of the natural products is incredible, all with exquisite treatment that makes you feel special. Recommended💯
Antonio, on April 25, 2024 at 15:03
Look at this https://www.miradorelmar.com
Mariam Moreno, on April 24, 2024 at 19:28
Ostraaaas!!! I'm so sorry!!! I just found out by chance, looking for news about Denia, I have a brain tumor, just out of the hospital!! A big hug for the whole family. A great person and a great loss!!
Pastor Vicent Tudela, on April 24, 2024 at 13:16
Mama la tata yes, em vol amuntó. But I love her as well as she does me.
progress, on April 24, 2024 at 10:40
Poor kids, they would be looking for books to study. Thanks to the laws we have, they will now be free.
Daniel, on April 23, 2024 at 15:07
Is speeding legal?
Daniel, on April 23, 2024 at 15:05
It's as simple as putting radars on the streets or more potholes that are lumps and you'll see how everyone brakes, bikes, skates, cars.
izrail, on April 23, 2024 at 13:41
When the Botanical was there, they didn't complain so much to the Generalitat, once they went in to ask for a parking space, which the court ruled in favor of the concessionaire, and they came out scalded, now to complain to the ports to suck more money. Politics smells rotten no matter who is in charge, but some claim the moral superiority of so-and-so. Gross.
Miguel, on April 23, 2024 at 12:02
Spain is different Roy, put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Miguel, on April 23, 2024 at 12:00
What happens with the Bota Lluis cami?
Miguel, on April 23, 2024 at 11:58
Boro, you're turning into a grump
Fortuna, on April 23, 2024 at 11:04
The local police "covers the file". In Las Marinas they don't even appear and "they would put on their boots"
Lluis, on April 23, 2024 at 10:11
I month that haurien of posing. The cami with the boot looks like a racing track
Bumblebee, on April 23, 2024 at 08:44
Are you seriously asking that question?
Boron, on April 22, 2024 at 22:25
If in the words of those “spokespersons” we replace the word “port” with “city council” they would be absolutely right. "based on citizen participation and the financial autonomy of the port, evidenced by the income it generates, which would guarantee more transparent and equitable management, in which civil society would have a voice in the decisions that impact its port."
Boron, on April 22, 2024 at 22:18
Bravo for those controls! I hope more are done, and more often. People not only do not respect the speed limits, they also do not respect the rules of silence and tranquility, many cars and motorcycles pass through our roads and streets as if they were Formula 1 or Moto GP circuits.
Person who is first person and has some knowledge of architecture., on April 22, 2024 at 21:41
Benvolgut Martín, not all commercial premises comply with habitability regulations. Fortunately, these habitability regulations (DC-09 and CTE) serve to protect the community and protect the inhabitants from repeated violent attempts to reduce the minimum conditions that a person, or more, needs per life. I also recognized that the DC-09 itself is short. Parlem of individual rooms of minimum 6m2 and doubles 8m2. It is to say, parlem d'espais de misery. Please stop typing learn the habit of the research and query. Amb açò argued that the solution is not to convert commercial basements into housing. Such an undertaking would end in nothing other than substandard housing. Substandard housing at high cost.
Roy, on April 22, 2024 at 20:35
Pity the local police doesn't fine people with dogs who foul the streets as per the “threat of 600 euros fine for not carrying a water bottle or bag to collect dogs mess or riding bikes and scooters on Marquis de Campo and other areas - easy money in the fiesta fund!!!
Wasp, on April 22, 2024 at 18:45
Hitting is a sport to be proud of?????