
Prevention of heat stroke: professionals from the Dénia Health Department advise good hydration

20 July 2023 - 12: 53
  • Specialists from the Emergency Service stress the importance of drinking, despite not feeling thirsty, as well as avoiding sun exposure in the middle of the day

The Head of the Emergency Service of the Hospital de Dénia, Dr. Antonio Barcelo, highlights the importance of a correct hydration to avoid heat strokes and protect the health of the population against the heat wave that these days plagues the province of Alicante, with temperatures above 40 degrees in several areas and maximums of 42 degrees in some municipalities.

Although this extreme heat is expected to subside in the coming days, the professionals of the Emergency Department of the Dénia Hospital, aware of the risks that high temperatures and exposure to the sun can represent for health, offer a series of recommendations to enjoy the summer and holidays in a way safe y Oenology.

El Dr. Barcelo emphasizes the importance of hydration, even without feeling thirsty, as well as avoiding excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages, alcohol, or soft drinks. «We must try, he assures, to stay in cool places, in the shade or with air conditioning, and avoid sun exposure and the practice of outdoor sports during the central hours of the day, between 11:00 a.m. and 17:00 p.m. In addition, he qualifies, it is important to wear light and light-colored clothing that allows adequate perspiration.

The professionals of the Emergency Service they also stress the importance of taking precautions when dealing with high temperatures. Although our body has the ability to self-regulate and adapt to climate changes, exposure to a excessive heat or the presence of risk factors, can affect the proper functioning of the organism. Therefore, it is essential to take preventive measures to ensure their good health.

“Heat-related illnesses range from cramps, which can be an early indicator that something is wrong with our bodies, to more serious conditions, such as dizziness, increased body temperature with fever, sudden loss of consciousness or heat stroke. », warn the specialists.

These conditions can affect young people who perform intense exercise in the central hours of the day and do not hydrate properly, as well as children, the elderly, and those taking certain medications, such as diuretics or antidepressants, which impair the body's regulatory mechanisms. Risk factors such as obesity, diabetes, and heart or kidney problems also hinder our body's ability to regulate body temperature.

Contact Hospital Marina Salud

  1. Hospital de Dénia says:

    The lighter it is and the colors are lighter, the better.

  2. john says:

    That information is very useful but I still don't understand what kind of clothes I should wear in hot weather. Could you do another article, please?
