
The Dénia health service recommends the flu vaccine in children to prevent outbreaks in adults

14 September 2023 - 15: 17

Pediatricians and preventive specialists Department of Health of Dénia, In collaboration with the Marina Health Hospital and the Ribera health group, recommend vaccination against influenza in children as an effective measure to reduce medical consultations related to this disease in adults. According to specialists, the flu vaccine among children can reduce medical consultations by between 40% and 60%, due to the activation of the immune system that recognizes the viral strains.

Among some of the recommendations Of the professionals, they highlight washing their hands frequently, covering their mouth with their forearm when coughing and sneezing, eliminating disposable tissues and avoiding contact with vulnerable people.

El Dr Josep Mut, Head of Pediatrics of the Department of Health of Dénia, highlights the importance of vaccination in children because “they are the main vectors of influenza transmission to the adult population and people at risk, since the vaccine protects both the vaccinated child and the people they live with, including relatives and playmates and schoolmates.”

El Department of Health of Dénia will facilitate vaccination, following the schedule established by each Ministry of Health. This year, two types of preparations are offered: inactive vaccines, which are administered intramuscularly in children under 2 years of age, and attenuated vaccines, administered intranasally in children over 2 years of age. For neonates, the vaccine can be administered at the time of hospital discharge.

As for flu vaccine side effects In children, Dr. Mut points out that “they are generally well tolerated, with mild and temporary side effects, such as pain and redness at the application site, low fever and malaise, which do not affect the majority of patients. Local reactions occur in approximately 5-20% of cases and fever in children under two years of age occurs in 5,5-14% of patients.”

In addition to vaccination, health professionals emphasize the importance of acquiring hygiene habits that reduce the transmission of the flu virus, such as washing hands frequently, covering your mouth when sneezing, discarding disposable tissues after using them, and avoiding close contact with sick or healthy people if oneself is sick.

Contact Hospital Marina Salud

  1. Fran says:

    You are like goats. In life, children have been vaccinated against the flu and even less to prevent the elderly, what has become of saving the children and women first? In this new feminazi society, do we expose the little ones to “save” the older ones? Shame on sold out doctors. Since when does a vaccine protect those next to you and not yourself? You are despicable, I hope your children are the only ones vaccinated.

  2. zen surah says:

    Are you totally crazy about vaccinating children against the flu? So that later they have no natural defenses? ??
