
Falla Center: float, games for children's committee and welcome the summer holidays

06 July 2011 - 09: 28

In the dates in which we are, it is very clear that there is only one thing, or at least, one of the most important things that falleros think about, which is… floats. The fails CenterIn addition to work and large meeting nights we enjoy together on the ship, we also wanted to celebrate the arrival of summer, so we organize a party at the Pub Missing Denia: The summer shower. Here we could find ourselves in a relaxed atmosphere with falleros and other charges failures and between drinks, cocktails and gifts at affordable properties we had a great time. Here you can see some attendees that from the 23 hours, at the end of dinner, we wanted to share a fun summer time and fallera.

Carriages and summer 02

Carriages and summer 03

That same day, in the afternoon, children in child commission had activities in Marineta Beach Cassiana where they bathed, merendaros and enjoyed the company of parents and attendants falleros responsible for this wonderful small commission.

We expect them to be for the next more and spend better, that there is no doubt!

And not to drag it out any longer, we just want to thank the managers of this exercise for the task they are carrying out, for the delicious meals they prepare for us in the float so that no one runs out of strength and continues with the same enthusiasm as when we begin, Nothing is missing to be able to show off the wonderful artistic work done and the costumes, and like other commissions, we are quite sure... we have not stopped working, partying, sporting activities, games... including processions. So, facing the Festivals From Dénia we only have to finish off the body work so that on July 16 everything is ready for the parade and prepare for the day of the Fallero, Tuesday 12, with the cucañas, paellas, and the act of presentation and dismissal of the charges falleros together with the Falleras Mayores de Dénia and their court of honour.

Floats and summer

We continue doing things is that ... The Falla Centro is here!

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