
Alert that the process of the General Structural Plan could be invalidated

21 December 2017 - 12: 11

Last Tuesday the participatory workshops on the General Structural Plan of Dénia organized by the CEDMA and the Federation of Neighborhood Associations of Dénia. After several weeks of discussions and joint work, it was time to establish the conclusions, leaving an alarm in the air: the whole process could be invalidated.

One of the main doubts, arising from the idea that this PGE is "rupturist and reformist" -According to the statements made by the plan's own municipal coordinator (José María Chofre) - it is possible that the 2008 reference document would not be applicable, which would disrupt the environmental phase and invalidate the Current processing.

In other words, if this PGE is really new (and possibly it is because it includes new studies and different from those that were included in 2008, such as the one on flooding), new sectoral reports should be obtained: a delay of almost ten years. Unless, of course, the PGE is retaken 2015, which is not very clear that it can be done, as apparently, the plenary last October agreed to desist from the project.

If these serious doubts were saved and finally the reports for the current document were proved valid -which would imply that the PGE is continuist and not rupturist, as has been said up to now- another question would arise: could it be approved definitively before the summer of 2018? This date is key, since according to what was commented in the workshops, it is when the environmental phase expires and therefore the reports. If the PGE is not approved on that date, it should be returned to the beginning (again, a ten-year regression and the added expense for the municipal coffers) and it is possible that this fear becomes a reality, especially if they are taken into account. account all the procedures that must be done after the closing of the period of allegations next week: response, incorporation, new public exposure, new answer of allegations, etc.

Concern about the NUT

Another issue that worried the attendees was the upcoming entry into force of the Transitory Urban Planning (NUT) of Dénia drafted by the Ministry. It is more than possible that they come into force long before the PGE does, and given that there are contradictions between the NUT and the PGE, the question remains of what will happen with the licenses that are requested based on the NUT.

Submission of claims

In the coming days, and once signed by the president of CEDMA, Sonja Dietz, as by the president of the Federation of Neighborhood Associations of Dénia, mario vidal, the conclusions of the workshop will be made available to all those who wish to consult them.

In addition, a copy of them will be sent to the City of Dénia and the Regional Ministry. This document will also serve as the basis for the drafting of the allegations to the PGE, whose deadline for submission ends next week.

You can consult the allegations here.

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