
Environment asks the Conselleria to mark the bathing area from the Trampolí to Les Arenetes

27 2018 April - 09: 01

The Department of Environment of the City Council of Dénia has requested the Ministry, facing this summer, to mark the bathing area between the Trampolí and the beach of les Arenetes, at the end of Les Rotes. This measure is requested with the aim of improving the compatibility of the users of the Les Rotes coast and will include entry and exit channels for boats and kayaks.

This was explained by the Councilor for the Environment, Josep Crespo, and the person in charge of the surveillance service of the Cabo de San Antonio Marine Reserve, Toni Martínez, during the summary of the actions report in the reserve in 2017.

toni martinez and josep crespo

The marking of this area is one of the points marked as priority for the summer of 2018, since since the entry into force of Decree 19 / 2015 of the Consell, the use of jet skis is prohibited in the Marine Reserve of Fishing Interest . Despite this measure, the battle is constant with users who not only violate this regulation, but even invade the bathroom area. A practice that endangers the safety of bathers.

The surveillance service has also been found in 2017 with another problem, that of the boats sailing faster than allowed. In total 723 has been intercepted, and as an improvement action the entire outer perimeter of the reserve has been marked with a total of 7 buoys distributed from the Dénia port exit to the Bay of Xàbia, shortening the distance between them in the most strategic places. With this measure it is intended that the boat owners can control the reserve limit and get better guidance.

One of the data that has improved notably with respect to the previous year is the number of moorings. In 2017, the installation of anchor trains has contributed greatly to this improvement. This year, 453 vessels were detected at anchor in the interior of the reserve, compared to the 795 of 2016.

Cleaning and environmental disclosure

The work of the surveillance service of the Marine Reserve goes beyond sanctions to those who do not comply with the regulations. Every year they carry out days of cleaning of the marine bottoms and numerous campaigns of education and marine environmental disclosure among the schoolchildren of the municipality.

In 2017, thanks to the marine clean-up day Per a net sea, they managed to extract from our waters 210 kilos of garbage with the help of 216 volunteers. It highlights the plastic, the metal, the butts and a hydraulic hose of 18 meters between «hallazgos».

In addition, during the past year, 780 students from the Dénia centers participated in activities related to the world of the sea. From the department they emphasize that «cada vez son más los alumnos de nuestra ciudad y de centros educativos de fuera que se acercan al medio a través de las diferentes actividades que se les ofrece».

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