
The greater falleras of Denia attended invited to the proclamation of the Vendimiadores of Jumilla

14 June 2017 - 10: 17

Melani Ivars and Carla Vinaroz, major falleras of Dénia 2017, continue to bear the name of Dénia and its failures throughout the geography. Last weekend attended, accompanied by the delegate Salvador Llorens, to the presentation of the highest representatives of the parties of Jumilla, in Murcia.

The act took place in the Vico theater of the municipality of Murcia, which proclaimed Vendimiadores infantil to Marta Fernández Navarro and Joaquín García García and Vendimiadores grandes to Lola Gómez María and Guillermo González Simón.

The event was also attended by representatives of Alzira, Gandía and Xàtiva. At the end, the Dianense delegation was able to enjoy the wines of Jumilla and its gastronomy, as well as to learn about the traditions of a nearby festival such as the Jumilla festival, which will be held next August.

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