
Tonight the Kings come ... and in a convertible!

January 05 from 2011 - 00: 00

Let's hope it doesn't get too cold throughout today, because Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar have chosen convertible cars to get to Dénia. With them they will travel along Avenida de Alicante, Plaza Archduque Carlos and Calle Patricio Ferrándiz until they reach the Red Cross, where their retinue of more than 150 people awaits them and where they will get into their brand-new floats to explore the Calle Marques de Campo.

This year, due to renovations being made in the old town, the ride will end in Glorieta, where the Kings will adore the child and make their parliaments.

It is scheduled to start around the 18: 30

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