
Bullfighting festival in favor of the NGO Gramm

January 31 from 2012 - 00: 00

Taurine Peña Maestranza and the NGO Gramm Dénia (Group support for the mission in Mozambique) are jointly organizing a bullfighting festival that will take place on April 22 in the bullring of Ondara. This is the fourth festival of its kind to be organized, a spectacle that neither kill or mistreat the animal.

Novilleros be Manolo Ferrete, Alberto Ballester, Daniel Lozano and Andres de Calpe, which will be accompanied by gangs formed by components Local Board Fallera Denia, Red Cross, Peña La Maestranza, Juli Peña of Denia and the Association of Moors and Christians, among others.

To enrich the act, the association Friends of the Horse of Dénia will make a parade with the Fallera Mayor de Dénia and the Queen of the Festival of Ondara. The president of the NGO, Jaime Barber, father Pepe Correcher, will also attend. Paco ArnauCouncilman Festivities of the City of Denia and Jose Miguel Marí, mayor of ondarense parties.

Tickets will go on sale by 5 euros.

1 Comment
  1. the cat says:

    Sounds good, but one thing has already been done several years, I think esteaño with us this fall would be more reasonable destine to help families of Denia, uqe every day there are more needy and increasingly receive less aid with this I do not decri this ENCONTRA the contrary, it is something to think and share the benefits equally to all those in need.
