
Bus Station provisional go on the site of the courthouse behind

04 December 2015 - 12: 29

Habemus Location. After months of studies and projects, the planning department of the City of Dénia has decided that the station provisional buses shall be charged to the funds of the Trust Plan be located in the municipal lot behind the courthouse, near Torrecremada.

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It has announced the Councilor for Urbanism, MªJosep Ripoll, who explained that this is a first proposal being worked from the department and hope that in the month of January is finalized to be presented in Consellería. The project includes parking for about nine buses, office space and ticket sales, parking for taxis and a parking area for about 40 private vehicles.

This decision has been taken after contemplating other locations such as Avenida Miguel Hernández, Joan Fuster, Pintor Llorens or after Llebeig school, a proposal launched by GDCU a few weeks ago that has been ruled out due to the urban complexity involved.

The new location also includes an input circuit on Avenida Ramón Ortega, Moncho Ferrer street and turn at the roundabout; and an output circuit by Ramón Ortega, Campo Torres and Avenida de Alicante until the exit road of the town.

ESTACIO AUTOBUSOS Carre Jose Moncho Ferrer Dic2015.dgn

According to Ripoll explained, it is the location that less mobility problems can cause the neighbors, who also requires shuttles to connect with the city center as it is located in the village, and does not address the need to modify existing roundabouts or traffic lights.

The rush to decide the location of the bus station attended, not only to compliance with the terms of the Trust Plan, but also the need to unlock the current bus station at Plaza Archduke Charles, whose redevelopment is another project contemplated by the plan.

Torrecremada plot

temporary station

As explained by both the planning councilor and the first deputy mayor, Rafa CarrióIt is a temporary location because it is the General Plan to decide the final location of station, which is intermodal and raised to be installed in the south of La Pedrera hospital.

This tentativeness is subject to the approval of the General Plan, which the government team estimated at two years.

MªJosep Ripoll

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  1. Pepe says:

    Today I have seen the works and they do not follow the plan. They have done it the other way around !! Has anyone noticed???

  2. Carlitos says:

    Ok, but where will the neighbors' car park ... next to where she lives?

  3. again says:

    The article begins and with good reason: »habemus location», to which we should add «don't tell me that this is a marvel of management», it turns out that after so many years defoliating the margarita to locate the station, now it turns out !! WHAT IS PROVISIONED! .. and? Then? ... we'll see ... we have to wait for the eternal General Plan, which, like the station, never arrives
