
A "Fira i Porrat de Sant Josep" will complement the Fallas program this year

February 22 from 2012 - 00: 00

The I Falleras Cultural Days They opened the programming Fallas 2012, of which we have already known the definitive program.

Councilman parties, Paco Arnau, the president of the Local Board, Jaume BertomeuAnd the Falleras Over Denia, Anna Sobrecases and Ainhoa ​​Flores, presented yesterday evening acts that make up this year's Fallas.

Several novelties are in the program. The first, the first celebration of the Fira de Sant Josep i Porrat, to be installed on Calle La Vía from the day 15 19 until the day. In it we find typical and traditional Valencian products.

Another novelty that will bring 2012 Fallas is that for the first time, Local Board Fallera Children will plant monument "With the Dianense Vicent Gayà has offered to produce it for us, it is a gift". This failure along with the large monument will be planted on the street Via the night of March 16.

But there will also be cuts: this year the mascletà of the 17 day is suppressed at night on Calle La Vía, for economic reasons but also because the prizes have been delayed at 21 hours and the schedules are incompatible. The mascletàs of the days 18 and 19 are maintained, however.

The courtesy of the Greater Falleras the fallas districts has moved to 16 Friday afternoon to give more flexibility when commissions hold their parades.

Here You can download the full program of 2012 Fallas of Denia.

  1. indignant says:

    Well aixo «gunny» your mateixa ho have you dit if in the Denia band eixien 30 musics and els costava € 5.200, and in the one of l'altre poble nomes 15 i els cost € 4.000, month stay and dinaes and soup (since Aixo is not included in the € 4.000) ix molt month car. What if the board this, what if the board the other etc ..)
    For an additional band (mai millor dit) the Denia Band is going to lower the budget at the request of the Local Board with respect to that of the any passat, specifically 23%, facing that they have to play a month.
    Our three instruments are not from or, they are normal instruments and current that each music has bought with their own dines.
    But I would also like to remember that «the Dénia Band is not, I hope, not be-ho mai, neither 10 nor 15 musics in som com ja I dit month of 80, I ens like molt eixir tots together to play pel carrer and enjoy les nostres festes ».
    Haaa !! i un altra cosa, ara ens have dit that if volem podem eixir to obrir the offering, (fi, sense comentaris, the local board is the pear)
    Ale, Veriueu-ho.

  2. Gunny says:

    Let's see why it seems to me that «outraged» is very wrong, first of all, what you don't know, don't talk about it, of course, or that's how they taught me since I was little, but here people fill their mouths saying that if the This brings together that if the other, and what a shame, because it is more shameful that a band from outside comes out cheaper than Denia's own, but where have we come? do they play with gold instruments? And for you to find out, and it is said on Radio Denia, that the budget of the Denia band was € 5.200, and that of the other town around € 4.000 when to the latter, you have to pay for accommodation and meals! That is shameful, also our FF.MM will go with 20 musicians as with 50, for what music and the meteixa fan party! And to end the meeting, the money has not been spent on the monuments and the porrat, yes not rather in being able to grant equal or similar subsidies for awards to the commissions in such a way that they do not suffer the change, all this at the cost of internal cuts in the board… ..so when you know well what you are talking about then do it….

  3. indignant says:

    First the band is already city.
    Dénia band is a band that has more than 80 musicians, and there are only two charangas Dénia not have more than 20 musicians each, so musicians can spare to spare. And that they resort to musicians young band you do not know where did you get it, because since I played in the band has not left any young band musician to play with the band.
    And of course you can hire the band they want, but it seems a bit stronger than having band in Dénia hire another who comes out more expensive (I can assure you), I think the biggest faller of Denia and the court, logical and serious normal band that represents whether the Dénia.

  4. the cat says:

    I feel good because nowadays you can request a quote on all bands, and the miso time say that the musicians most of the band of Denia, failures, are performing at charnagas, which do not comply with the acts of the board and often resort to the young band musicians, if they want to play falleros acts or rely on a municipal council to make bandda with everything that takes and we would see the results.

  5. mariner says:

    the child fails as well the artist said was his first failure and has not requested any financial reward !!

  6. Angy says:

    Certainly not normal not to hire the band of Denia and caught another another people .. to see if someone explains why.

  7. indignant says:

    This year the local board is that to spent the budget on the big failure, children and "Fira i Porrat de Sant Josep" because the Band of Dénia not have hired and have preferred to hire the other town. It will be the first time in the history of the Fallas in Denia Band Dénia not touch faults. Vergonzosoo !!!
