
Rituals and Santeria to proclaim Cristina Navarro as the fallera mayor of the Diana Falla

24 September 2017 - 14: 57

La Diana fails traveled to Cuba to celebrate the proclamation and exaltation of Cristina Navarro Romero as a major child fallera for the 2017 / 2018 exercise. Under the title Vodoo, the commission celebrated an emotional act in which the tears of happiness were very present.

The small Martina Gimeno and Lucas Ribes were in charge of conducting the act, which began by requesting the presence on the stage of this year's president, Manuel Cabrera Morcillo. Little Manuel was little by little accompanied by the rest of Diana's children's commission, who stood to receive the morning voodoo queen, the infant fallera Cristina Navarro.

Cristina received from her predecessor, Maria Villalba, the desired band of greater fallera that will look with pride from now on. Along with Maria was its president, Roberto Martí, although it was she who took the floor to say goodbye to the commission after an intense year as top representatives of the Xicalla of the Diana fault.

Already showing her band, Cristina prepared, from the top of the stage, to discover the name of the person in charge of exalting her as a major child fallera. This work fell on his mother, Inma Romero, who could not contain the emotion of seeing her daughter in front of the smallest of the fault that has seen them grow. Little Christina could not hide her tears at the words of her mother's affection.

Then came the stage people who wanted to pay homage to the major fallera child. Next to her were his positions, Azael Pastor and Pablo Fuster; the Commissée de Festes de la Mare de Déu; the councilor of parties, Óscar Mengual; and the mayor of Dénia, Carla Vinaroz, who was accompanied by the vice-president of the Local Board Fallera, Jaume Bertomeu.

And after the emotions lived on the stage, it was the turn of Manuel and Cristina to take the floor. In the first place, Manuel briefly addressed those present and promised the commission a very fun year. Then, little Christina began her speech excited, a few words that ripped the applause of the audience.

Voodoo had done its job. Cristina was proclaimed and exalted as the major child fallera of the Diana commission, whose work from now on will be to enjoy all the falleras appointments that have until the month of March.

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