
«Low cost policy»

26 2023 April - 12: 58

It is when the elections arrive and the Popular Party immediately resorts to the following magic formulas of 'low cost' politics to try to grab votes without the need to propose a coherent project that will excite the citizenry.

«We will lower 20% of the imposts», they feel that they promise these days to the popular candidacy. "Because it is better that the diners stigmatize the armchair of the people", they say. Some logical affirmations in the framework of a party that has given the privatizations of public services their identity signal.

More ens val tindre diners a la butxaca, indeed, if the PP returns to govern... To be able to access private healthcare when the privatization of the public one intentionally devalues ​​the quality of universal care, disgraceful of the titanic efforts of professionals; to carry the funds to a 'paid' group when the investments in education continue to be irrisòries.

Since the Popular Party likes to talk so soon about the reduction of taxes, they want to present numbers to this 'low cost' electoral promise: a 20% reduction in the collection of municipal taxes and taxes equivalent to entering 9 million euros menys to the municipal pressupost.

Potser res greu for the PP candidate, the lady Pepa Font, accustomed to navigating in governments that are going to increase the municipal debt to 35 million euros and who have about 80 days, months and mig, to pay the providers.

It may be greu for a party that does not believe in the paper that governments complicate when it comes to guaranteeing justice and social equality: 9 million menys hardly able to afford to stand up to the demands of a global pandemic ( In 2021 they will distribute 5 million euros in social aid and support to small companies and the self-employed, in collaboration with the Generalitat and Diputació).

What would the 'efficiency plan' consist of with what they claim to resolve it all? In lowering the subsidies to the city entities, decrease the pressure for the Municipal Sports Schools or stop paving roads?

Deixaria d'advançar Dénia cap a l'objectiu so proper to be a university city but not being able to assume the second part of the financing of the project?

Seriousness and political responsibility do not seem to be the strong points of this PP candidacy, which in the last few months has surprised them more than a grandiose statement without cap or peus.

neither can expect a lot from the 'low cost' policy, the one with easy promises that is so easy to say if they are incompleixen: between the years 2011 and 2012, with the government sorgit of the motion of censure, with Ana Kringe i Pepa Font al capdavant, l'IBI will bid 28%; and the female tax, from 2011 to 2013, 26% (sense cap increment dels serveis).

Paco Roselló, number 3 of the candidacy of the PSPV Dénia at 28M and current councilor for the Treasury

1 Comment
  1. Omniway says:

    Well yes, Paco. Here ja ens coneguem tots. Tens raó in which they are speaking molt a la lleugera.
    I thought that your control work and economic organization of the Town Hall is one of the tasks that more have developed. I congratulate you.
    He faces that not everyone who has fet the PSOE has followed bordat.
    They have badly spent a lot of diners fent and desfent obres and the negotiation with Urbaser has not remained very profitable if for a few months you have bid 20% of the price.
    I supposed that I had enough money to spare, but I had to be self-critical and invest in cash. Tot continue for the baby of Dénia, which is the one that is tract.
