
charity market in favor of Vicente Ferrer Foundation

November 17 from 2011 - 14: 24

In so far this school year, Llunàtics is offering a different workshop all others: a free workshop creative-solidarity in which children d between 6 and 15 years make crafts every Saturday morning with volunteer teachers Marta Hidalgo and Paqui Miralles.

During Sunday morning, the workshop will charge a special meaning because students organized a solidarity with all they have created to date to raise funds that will go to the Vicnte Ferrer Foundation and its projects in India.

From the Department of Youth, led by Isabel Gallego, It has also encouraged anyone who wants to collaborate, to bring toys Llunàtics offices or stories to put on sale and make bigger market. Be children themselves who manage stops so that in this way they are more aware of their privileged position, and know thoroughly the problems of children like them in India.

Cristina Noguera, technician Vicent Ferrer Foundation in Alicante, has also reported that the Foundation will be present with exposure "Committed to Anan Tapur" and the screening of documentaries about the projects that are carried out in India, as well as bringing to the market three workshops that will bring the audience to the Indian culture: one on the BindiThe motif that women are placed between the eyebrows; a workshop of floral necklaces with tissue paper and workshop mandalaTo learn to draw those geometric and floral motifs that are placed on the doors of Indian homes. In addition, the elderly have the opportunity to taste the Indian tea first thing in the morning.

The solidarity market will be installed in the Polivalent Hall of Llunàtics, from 10 am to 14 pm, and promises not to be the only one, since the Creative-Solidarity Workshop aims to carry out this type of market every three months, and allocate the funds to different NGOs.

  1. Aitana Cholbi (Aita) says:

    the caxa meua (the 2) will be that month will recaudar.I jo vaig llegir the discurs recaudats i amb els diners Esper follow the Proxim prompte molt :);.)

  2. Mayte says:

    Xe, an èxit per molts motius:
    The predisposition of xiquets, pairs i seas.
    The professionalitat of the monitor, xiques of the Fundació, the councilor and the coordinator of Llunàtics. If I oblide something, it is done per inclós.
    Bon ambient creat.
    Els recaudats dinerets.
    Les obres d'art dels nanos i nanes.
    The setting with beautiful photos and teles.
    I l'excel.lent chai tea….

  3. txin says:

    I have never had the chance to collaborate with this foundation and the wonderful work it does… ..before this news …… I don't know if it fits …… but if I can donate one of my paintings .. so that it can be used to raise the funds you are looking for
