
Residencia users attend a therapy session with animals

February 08 from 2012 - 00: 00

Hand of Dianense psychologist Maite Ahuir, who voluntarily and unpaid carried collaboration, users of the Nursing Home St. Lucia attended last 1 February to a therapeutic session in which the protagonist was the Nena bitch.

Residents were delighted with the idea, and at the end of the session wanted to know when the next. And it is that different studies have shown that such therapies offer, physical, cognitive and social emotional improvements.

  1. Lola says:

    This very well, because I like animals have
    the gift of giving good energy to people and take away
    their surplus to what are OK.

  2. Clara Rumbo says:

    Molt be, m'agrada ...... sure that tots are going to gaudir. Que tingues molt d´exit.B7s.

  3. Mayte says:

    Per my estat one plaer i have honored
