
Interview with Dr. Fernando Guide for the first anniversary of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit of REMA

22 September 2016 - 10: 00

Cardiac Rehabilitation (RHC): A very useful tool for people who have problems related to the heart. Clinic REMA Dénia is the only specialized RHC center with professionals dedicated to rehabilitate patients after cardiac problems, such as myocardial infarction, diagnosis of heart failure, heart surgery (a bypass or new heart valve). We spoke to Dr. Fernando Guide, responsible for RHB Unit REMA Cardiac Clinic and a specialist in this area cardiologist, on the first anniversary of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit of REMA and asked him about this very interesting and, while, unknown.

What is the goal of cardiac rehabilitation?

The fundamental goal of cardiac rehabilitation is to increase the quality of life of people, and as a result, improve the prognosis.

Do they work only cardiologists in these centers?

No, and that's the difference from other medical specialties. Here coordinating different specialists is required. We affect many aspects, psychosocial, and show different patterns of control risk factors that adversely affect the health of patients. And a very important aspect is the physical training. Therefore, close collaboration with nurses, physiotherapists, psychologists, family doctors, cardiologists, etc. is required

Why is society so unknown among cardiac rehabilitation?

Sometimes when cardiologists insist on performing cardiac rehabilitation programs, they puzzled companions ask us what they are. There are numerous contrasting published works and evidence demonstrating decreased mortality in patients with heart failure and coronary problems; but still they are underdeveloped in our midst. In Spain it begins to be a positive current with increase in specialized centers, but much remains to be done.

What kind of program conducted at the Clinic REMA in Dénia?

REMA perform outpatient programs in Phase 2, ie, outside the hospital. Patients who have been previously hospitalized for a heart problem, and that his doctors have referred us to an assessment in rehabilitation.
We are the only specialized center in our area, and we have three cardiologists and experienced team. After an interview the patient collecting all the medical records, we schedule a Ergospirometry, ie a stress test with gas analysis to know which are the respiratory thresholds, essential to program the training protocol, which is totally individualized for each patient .

REMA rehabilitation

They mean, each patient has a different program, they are not the same for everyone?

That is, we need to assess each patient according to their characteristics and the time they are on the first visit. Ideally, make a protocol three days a week, in which the patient comes to the center to perform physical exercises controlled by our team. There physiotherapy tables with stretching, joint movements, abdominal exercises to strengthen the top and weights 1 and 2 kg are made. This first phase lasts about 15-20 minutes.

Subsequently, physical activity cycle ergometer or a treadmill, which will progress until the 35-45 minutes, all based on the results obtained in the initial ergospirometry is performed; and finish with stretching and relaxation. We implement relaxation techniques and we provide information and explanation of changes in habits, with modification of harmful styles, such as snuff, overweight, poor diet, etc. That is, a very active and supervised program.

And how long does a cardiac rehabilitation program?

Usually they have a duration of 24 sessions, which can be extended according to specific needs and situations in each patient. Ideally, you can complement after finishing our center, a home training, including walks or marches, using stationary bike, increasing the intensity and distance, so that the patient perform a few sessions 60 minutes a day.

What final message would you like to give to finish this interview?

I would stress that exercise improves physical capacity, increases oxygen consumption, essential to measure patient improvement parameter, and that this has an effect excellent prognosis. With the data currently available, we can ensure that these cardiac rehabilitation programs manage to improve the quality of life and prognosis of patients with heart problems.


Contact REMA (Marina Alta Rehabilitation)

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