
The PSOE criticizes the consultation period the PGOU

17 December 2012 - 00: 01

De "pantomime" tildan the Socialists consultation period alternatives General Plan presented by the government team. His spokesman, Vicent Grimalt, he specified that for now a period of consultation of 45 days of the five preliminary alternatives to the General Plan is opened but afterwards a public presentation of the General Plan must be made so that citizens can make the appropriate allegations to the final document.

Grimalt demands to know "What clear and clear information on the alternatives will citizens have to make their subsequent suggestions, how will citizens be able to make their suggestions for city planning, how are those suggestions going to be evaluated, what can happen if citizens opt for one of the alternatives of the General plan that is not the one that the Government Team bets ".

The Socialist spokesman informed that his party is going to begin a campaign of clear and clear information to all the citizens to explain to them that it supposes the alternative of the general plan that bets the PP-CU and be able to make the appropriate suggestions during the period of exposure to the public that will be opened after the approval of the December plenary session.

1 Comment
  1. Carlos says:

    Socialists always the same every year they and the general plan. bla bla bla
