
The Popular Party claims that the government team has rejected a grant for the settlement of Marqués de Campo

20 October 2015 - 15: 24

The Popular group in the City of Dénia has revealed in the last hours that the government of PSPV y Compromís has rejected a grant from 300.000 euros for the pavement repair of the main artery of the city, the Calle Marques de Campo.

State Marques de Campo

According to the People, this grant was requested in the previous legislature to the Provincial Council of Alicante «atendiendo a las quejas ciudadanas y de vecinos de la zona debido al mal estado del firme». However, they have recently been knowledgeable that the government Vicent Grimalt He requested in writing the last 31 of July a change in the project to allocate the money to the resurfacing of other roads in the city.

From the PP considering «ilógico» this change project and remember the words of the councilor Cristina MoreraWhen on the campaign he denounced «el mal estado de la calle Marqués de Campo, pues el paso de vehículos de gran tonelaje y las lluvias que han desplazado la base en la que se aposentan los adoquines, han traído como consecuencia un firme totalmente irregular que pone en peligro a viandantes, ciclistas y conductores de motocicletas».

After knowing this change, from the PP Dianense they want to know «el motivo de esconder dicho cambio a los ciudadanos y cual ha sido el motivo real de cambiar el arreglo de una calle que acoge a lo largo de muchos días del año, importantes actos, carreras ciclistas, desfiles, marchas solidarias, entre otros». Also they demand to know by the government team «de dónde se va a sacar la partida económica para el arreglo de la calle Marqués de Campo».

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  1. alfada says:

    Citizens we would like to know the truth and the reasons why that is not the street and manages once.
    Although I already imagine.
