
The Popular Party of Dénia criticizes the performance of the PSPV-Compromís coalition in its first 100 days of government

05 October 2023 - 16: 37

In a press conference held this morning, the Party de Dénia has carried out a critical analysis of the first 100 days of government of the coalition formed by the PSPV y Compromís in Dénia. The PP spokesperson, Pepa Font, accompanied by councilors José Antonio Cristóbal and Carlos Barona, has expressed various concerns and criticisms regarding the management of the government team.

Font has indicated that the mayor, Vicent Grimalt, has dedicated a significant portion of her time to criticizing the opposition and, in particular, herself, instead of focusing on work for Dénia. She has urged the mayor to focus on the work of government and has recalled the responsibility of the PP in the opposition to supervise the municipal government.

The popular spokesperson has also regretted the tension that arose from the meeting with the Minister of Education, of which the government team claimed not to be informed and accused Font of "disloyalty." In response, Font has stated that the PP will work with more councilors and general directors for the benefit of Dénia.

In relation to the management of the beaches, Font has expressed the opinion of the PP that the conservation of the natural barrier of Posidonia is appropriate in winter, but not in summer, as it can generate problems related to mosquitoes, insects and access to water. He has maintained that what is appropriate in one season is not necessarily appropriate in the other.

Challenges in mobility: criticism of the tender and transport shortage during the summer

In addition, the PP has questioned mobility in Dénia, highlighting problems with the new tender and the lack of minibuses during the summer. They have also mentioned the shortage of taxis in the summer season and the prohibition of bicycle transit through Marqués de Campo, which has been against due to the lack of safe alternatives.

The state of public parking has been another point of criticism, describing them as "urban planning illegal" due to the lack of activity licenses and the possibility of causing inconvenience to nearby homes.

José Antonio Cristóbal has criticized the motion presented at the last plenary session of the City Council for the acquisition of the Jesús Pobre convent and has blamed the previous government for not including this purchase in the 2023 budget. However, the PP is willing to collaborate so that it is included in the 2025 budget.

Concerns about the cleanliness of the city and sports facilities

Finally, Carlos Barona has addressed the issue of cleaning in the city, denouncing deficiencies in the execution of the contract with the Urbaser company. Nevertheless, This morning we learned that the Dénia City Council has assumed that many aspects of the contract are not being fulfilled properly and has assured that it will undertake economic measures towards the concessionaire..

He has also criticized the state of many sports facilities, such as the rugby field, which they describe as "potato" and which can be dangerous for users. The Sports Councilor, Valen Alcala, has admitted that the state is not optimal and has assured that between this week and next a contracted company has to come to level and improve conditions.

Barona also recalled that the lack of lighting in several sports facilities and that the state of both the sports center's changing rooms and the fronton leave much to be desired.

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