
The Dénia City Council announces economic measures against the cleaning service concessionaire

05 October 2023 - 14: 22

In a meeting that took place last Friday, the Consell de Participació Veïnal de Dénia held its first session of the new legislature. This council, made up of representatives of the municipal political groups, the Federation of Veïnals Associations of Dénia and the local neighborhood associations, addressed various topics of interest to the community.

One of the main topics discussed during the meeting was the problems related to the cleaning service in Dénia. Mayor, Vicent Grimalt, recognized that the company in charge of the concession, Urbaser, is not adequately fulfilling its obligations, alleging problems in the supply of trucks as the cause of the observed deficiencies. In this context, the council committed to take economic measures contemplated in the contract to adapt the cost of the service to the quality provided so far.

Improvements in taxi and public transport service

Regarding the taxi service, it was reported that measures have been taken to address the deficiencies detected last year, which has resulted in a decrease in complaints from users.

The representative of the Federation of Veïns Associations, Christine Huc, advocated for a public transport offer that combines bus and taxi services to benefit residents. In addition, the tender for a new public bus transport contract was announced.

The fight continues for the reversal of the regional hospital

Despite the difficulties and the lack of response from the Generalitat, the mayor reaffirmed his commitment to continue fighting for the reversion of the regional hospital. The importance of this cause was supported by the Federation of Associations and the Health member of the Dénia Health Council.

Canyons and beaches

councilman Pepe Doménech requested the collaboration of neighborhood associations to prioritize areas that need clearing in the next campaign, with the Montgó Association emphasizing the importance of completing pending work in ravines.

Details were provided on improvements to the cleaning contract beaches and the next edition of participatory budgets was announced to involve the community in important decisions.

Finally, neighborhood representatives presented requests for improvements in accessibility and safety in access to the beach, construction of sidewalks and measures to address the uncivil behavior of motorcyclists and cyclists in the city.

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  1. Jose says:

    The Loading and Unloading of Delivery Drivers, when are they going to take measures to ensure that they are free of cars or vans that have nothing to do with the delivery?
    They are having lunch, coffees and floor repairs and we have no chance of doing our job without the local police on top of those distributed…. Fining them
