
The City raffle from 2018 papers ride between all citizens

07 December 2016 - 16: 23

After the last events around the cavalcade of the Magi, Dénia City Council has announced a change in the rules. Facing the cavalcade of 2018, the department held an open draw parties among citizens for any Dianense to participate in the parade «independientemente de su clase social, sexo o pertenencia a cualquier asociación o entidad de la ciudad».

Melchor Gaspar and Baltasar in Dénia

This has been announced from the consistory on Wednesday afternoon, after the meeting held with members of the Federation of Moors and Christians. In it they make it clear that «el Ayuntamiento se ha visto sorprendido por el debate surgido en la calle alrededor de la idoneidad o no de que una mujer pueda representar el papel de rey mago en la cabalgata de Dénia».

Which is why we have announced this change of policy, with the main objective of «garantizar que no se ponga en peligro la ilusión y el entusiasmo que viven ese día los miles de niños y niñas de Dénia».

As the cavalcade of 2017, the City will continue to respect the lot by the FEMMIC representing the carriage of a king. Therefore, the winning captain of the draw will be responsible for deciding which people will be above the float as King and companions, regardless of sex, although they add that «esperando que sean conscientes del papel que representan ante la ilusión de nuestros niños y niñas, únicos protagonistas de esta fiesta».

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