
Animals and shows, theme of the monuments of the West fails to 2016

November 16 from 2015 - 16: 50

La West fails of Dénia has announced the sketches of the monuments that will be planted in its square next March. This year, the commission again places its trust in the artists Palacio i Serra for the big monument and Pau Soler and Gonzalo Rojas for the children's monument.

The infantile failure will be an unprecedented creation for the Xicalla cowgirl around the animal world under the motto "Dis-me amb quei vas, i et say what animal you are" in which the scenes will represent the animal variety of the planet.

For its part, Palacio i Serra will create "Let l'espectacle continue!", a composition of large volumes with a very varied tone. Both monuments will compete in the special section of the failures Denia 2016.

In the presentation of the sketches, which took place last weekend in the Maritime station from Dénia, the artists received the district medal from the highest offices of the district to thank them for the work they have done over the years in the demarcation.

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