
The new open Magnetic Resonance comes to Dénia by the hand of REMA

18 June 2021 - 10: 02

A new advance in medicine, specifically in Dénia, and located in the Clinic REMA, and where they have incorporated a new Open Field Magnetic Resonance that allows all kinds of explorations to be carried out with the comfort of an open MRI. For all types of patients, in addition to patients with claustrophobia, it is also adapted to the elderly and children accompanied by their parents.

The new Magnetic Resonance that comes to Dénia from the REMA SALUD Group, is the most evolved open MRI system, with a vertical field intensity that allows it to obtain images of high diagnostic resolution and with more than 320 free degrees of vision for the patient. Its unique design, by means of a single pillar, makes this machine the most panoramic that exists and with a totally silent operation.

In this sense, since it is an open device, the anxiety usually caused by the classic 'tube' of closed MRIs disappears. Its use is especially indicated in patients with claustrophobia, overweight, and children, who will no longer need to be sedated or anesthetized to perform an MRI, eliminating this risk. Likewise, it offers the possibility of performing scans that, due to trauma or postoperative conditions, require the patient to be in certain positions, especially on the shoulders, and that cannot be performed in the closed MRI tube.

A NEW MAGNETIC RESONANCE, which revolutionizes the quality of care and improves the patient experience.

Contact REMA (Marina Alta Rehabilitation)

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  1. Franke says:

    Keine Empfehlung! !! Patienten werden nicht fachgerecht bedient oder nach Befund erklärt. …Abkassieren ist ja so einfach…Auf Mail und Anruf reagiert keiner….Unterster Standard….Bin selbst Mediziner aus Deutschland

  2. Sheilagh Armstrong-Jones says:

    Fantastic. Do you know of any clinic in the Cartagena or Murcia area that has one of these open mri machines please?


    Electronic device activated …… ..4D

  4. Toni Olivares says:

    I would like to know what prices you have for the resonances. Thanks

  5. Ignacio says:

    This is a private center, right? How long the test? And with which insurers do you work? At the very least they could offer a better informed website.
