
[PHOTOGRAPHY] Baix la Mar wins the first prize of Carrozas and comparsas

14 July 2019 - 12: 34

Campo street yesterday was the scene of the parade of floats annual. The Fallas They took to the streets with disguises and the desire to teach attendees and sworn the work done during the last months.

carrozas denia 2019 ganadora baix la mar

Although the level was very high, only one can win, and this year it was the turn of the Baix la Mar with her float Wonkaliciós. In addition, they also obtained the pennant to the best comparsa. As for children's comparsa, the winner was Campaments with his float Atlantis. The Les Roques fails, winner of the last two years, did not leave empty, because she took home the first prize pennant to the characterization.

There has also been controversy in the delivery, since during the celebration yesterday was awarded the third characterization prize Campaments and after a recount made this morning have seen that the award was for Diana, so they have delivered the pennant that corresponds to them

1 award: Baix la Mar

La Baix la Mar fails He walked his chariot with the motto Wonkaliciós, with which they won the first prize of floats, first prize of comparsa grande, second prize of children's comparsa and second prize in characterization.

2º award: West

La West fails managed to get the 2º prize of floats with his To the West Samba!.

3er award: Campaments

La Campaments fails raised four pennants thanks to his float Atlantis: Third prize of floats, second prize of comparsa grande and first prize to the children's comparsa.

4º prize: Center

La fails Center, with his float Piratax, won the fourth prize of floats, and two third, the big comparsa and the children's comparsa.

5º prize: Les Roques

The Les Roques fault, winner of the last two editions, had to settle this time with the fifth prize of floats for its Oceanic, The Criatures, although he also won the first prize for characterization.

6º award: Saladar

La Saladar fails managed to raise the flag of the sixth prize with his float Sidereal Esclat.

7º prize: Port Rotes

Port Rotes won the seventh prize of floats with his critical work Ha'Hoole, The Legend of Port Rotes.

8º prize: Paris Pedrera

La Paris fails Pedrera she was the first to parade with her float The Cort dels Ming, which won the eighth prize.

9º prize: Diana

La Diana fails achieves ninth place with his float Goddess Fantasy and the third characterization position.

10º prize: Darrere del Castell

The dreamy float of Darrere del Castell, with the motto somnis, gets the tenth place.

11º award: Camp Roig

La fails Camp Roig gets the eleventh position with his float Bollywood.

Specials and guests

This year's parade was attended by the Bellea del Foc Infantil de Alacant, the Vendimiador and Vendimiadora de Jumilla, and the Falleras Mayores de Oliva, Sueca and Xàtiva.

carrozas denia 2019 fallera major y corte de honor

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