
Red Cross Dénia raised more than 5.200 euros on the Day of the Banderita

12 December 2018 - 09: 26

A total of 17 petitions tables were distributed last December 1 through the streets of Dénia to collaborate in one of the most supportive days of the year, the Day of the Banderita organized by the local assembly of the Red Cross in Dénia.

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This year they managed to raise 5.283,07 euros to be used for Children in difficult situations. Children are the most affected in crisis contexts (such as the one that has been going on for the last few years), a situation that makes them more vulnerable to their personal and educational development. Many of them are in a complicated family environment, lack adequate food and school supplies.

The Amunt, Rotary Club, Balearia Foundation, participated in the 2018 edition, Local Board Fallera, Moors and Christians, Hogar del Jubilado, Real Estate MLS, IES nº 3, IES Chabàs, Ludai, Denia Gent, Classical Culture, Euroclub, Al-manchara Association, San Juan Hermitage and two tables managed by Red Cross Dénia volunteers.

03 dia de la banderita denia 2018 grupo al manchara

In gratitude for their selfless collaboration, the Red Cross rewarded their participation. The table that got the most money was the Friends of the Hermitage of San Juan; the most creative, that of the Al-Manchara Association; the best Christmas decoration was the one produced by the IES Number 3, created by the students of Gardening; while the prize for the largest participation went to the Fundació Baleària.

The Banderita Day celebration was completed with the performances of the students of the Tenor Cortis Professional Conservatory of Music, the Fina Porta Dance School, the 3 MusicTheers Group, the Batucada de Ondara and the participation of Star Wars-Swalicante.

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