
The environmental activities confirm their good reception in Dénia with the celebration of the Day of the Wetlands

February 14 from 2018 - 11: 27

In recent years, the Department of Environment of the City of Dénia, with the important collaboration of the local company Magic & Nature, has scheduled numerous activities that put citizens in contact with our closest natural environment. Some activities that have been increasing in interest judging by the existing demand in each of them.

participantes en el dia de los humedales

The most recent took place last weekend. On the occasion of World Wetlands Day, a visit to the Salinas de Calp was scheduled, an activity that was scheduled for the 4 in February but had to be postponed due to weather.

With the full capacity, the participants enjoyed a scientific banding of birds with Toni Zaragozí, ornithologist and SEO BirdLife bander since 25 years ago and member of the Ecologist Group Xoriguer. Elías Gomis, nature photographer and also ornithologist, also participated. He told the story and the great conservation work carried out together with Toni Zaragozí in this enclave full of biodiversity that suffers constant threats because it is an urban wetland.

anillamiento de pajaros en calp

The participants could also experience the return to freedom of two hawks (Accipiter nisus) that came from the Recovery Center of Santa Faz. After a walk through the natural environment, the group enjoyed a picnic in the sun and storytelling Berto is looking for a friend. The wetland, interpreted by the author herself, Kika.

Members of the local group WWF Alicante helped with all the tasks and read a manifesto in favor of the wetlands.

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