
Roques, the best float 2010

11 July 2010 - 01: 22

The work of the Roques fails was rewarded on Saturday night when they uncovered the pennant that gave them the first prize of floats 2010. This year's theme was Hindu motifs, and the committee jumped for joy when it received the first prize, a joy that flooded all those present near the grandstand on C/Marqués de Campo.

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En infantiles la alegría fue para el distrito Baix la Mar, que se llevó el primer premio con una carroza titulada también «Baix la Mar», llena de colores y motivos marinos.

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And if we talk about colors we can not forget the winning fault of the first prize in comparsas, the Port Rotes fails, que bajo el lema «Algo Chiquitito» ofreció unos magníficos disfraces, imaginación y una muy buena coreografía.

First prize of comparsas for Port Rotes

In addition to the fallas districts, the parade of floats attended the falleras over Dénia 2010 and their courts of honor, falleras and belleas guests of Elda and Gandia, regional houses of Andalusia and Castilla la Mancha, members commission Mare de Deu dels Desemparats which tapitas dried octopus distributed between public- and 2010 fifth.

Large floats prizes were:

1.- Roques
2.- Darrere del Castell
3.- under the sea
4.- Diana
5.- Paris Pedrera
6.- salt marsh
7.- Centro
8.- West
9.- Campaments
10.- Port Rotes
11.- Camp Roig

Palmares of child carriages was:

1.- under the sea
2.- Campaments
3.- salt marsh
4.- Centro
5.- Roques

And the classification of the groups was:

1.- Port Rotes
2.- Darrere del Castell
3.- Centro

Leave a comment
  1. GERARDO says:

    As a parent of an infant faller and husband of a faller, I think this was to come a little mother, as a comment "anonymous" you can have all the reason in the world but from that anonymity rather than trying to light a problem to beset more all the problems of a commission, child, who for various reasons and I believe has been quite forgotten by charges and other comision.De everything is learned in this life and this leads us to reconsider if indeed it it, or not, try to give a turn of 360º, so that the future of children feel involved in this event, which is the most important held in DENIA.ANIMO tO aLL PARENTS oF cHILDREN AND oF COURSE A MANAGERS, to do SITTING AT HOME IN THIS PARTY AND NOT AS PEOPLE discrimination. I sincerely hope that this will join efforts and RENCORES.CONSEJO TO FORGET THE ANONYMOUS: I think the comments may or may not be beneficial, but the criticism must have full name not to involve people who have nothing to do but equal to or parecido.asi think that I encourage and even you can fix sticking up.

  2. silvia says:

    As a neighbor of mother and child carriage charge, I have witnessed in childhood float les Roques was very little labor and charges parents trying to get the job that should be involved throughout the Roques fails. And oddly enough this is very painful for parents who are alone and charges for children given the end result is the premio.Ademas, I checked that one day they were all parents of children falleros give a most important rollover to finish the float, sirs one day.The parents need to be more supportive.
    Hopefully not repeat this in any child commission Dénia, they are the future of failures and need incndicional apollo parents because they are children alone.
    child kisses commission les Roques and encouragement.

  3. Rosa mari says:

    It is that there are people shadow owl type who does not speak but look looks much

  4. Pedro says:

    ANONYMOUS!!! I like you, but it gives the face, because if it's true Why hide your identity ??

  5. the roques neighbor fails says:

    not who you are but I give you every reason infant carriage has been quite descriminada and child commission does not deserve it, I think like you, they are the morning of the great commission and from small they are there for that they deserve better of what they are living now, so a little please and respect for the child commission

  6. anonymous says:

    Congratulations to the most impressive coach I've ever seen, if a child float Les Roques and their charges which anyone (Marc and Gema) does not remember, sorry a few if you remember but few, we should thank those few parents who helped to falleros they decided to do the same despite wings criticism from his peers, to say something (companions) wings commissions other failures that provided the materials they needed to finish and failure did not give them because budget emerged from outside the big meda will never go out of budget however children are a bundle to be dragged ultimately, children charges you are the best because you are the future of this failure. Thank you all
