
Vicente Chelet: «we are not going to make hasty decisions about the PGOU»

03 October 2014 - 18: 26

The new Councilor for Urban Planning Dianense made this statement during his appearance before the media to account agreements governing board.

Vicente Chelet mayor of Urban Planning Dénia

Chelet said that he has already begun to work on the issue that concerns citizens so much as is the approval of the General Urban Planning Plan of the city. In fact, he confirmed that yesterday he held his first meeting with the General Director of the Territory, Juan Giner, to discuss this issue and the Special Plan of the Perimeter Round.

His intention is to try to recover urban competencies Dénia has since 2005 because it thinks that this is the time. Has put hands on the issue to try to present the project as soon as possible, but warns, «otro debate es saber si será aprobado o no por parte del resto de partidos políticos, cuando se realice la exposición pública».

He announced that the junta has reported the approval of the last two implementation projects remaining Plan Trust: the new bus station and the refurbishment of the Plaza Archduke Carlos, agreements to be submitted to the Generalitat Valenciana for review and subsequent tender.

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  1. Javier says:

    Of course!!!
    Having been in office for six years and having done nothing now is called "not making hasty decisions."
    There are times when it is better to keep quiet to say stupid things Mr. Alderman
