
Your diet may be causing your back pain

05 July 2014 - 00: 00

You may never have heard this statement, but have you ever considered it? We can not reduce the simple fact of eating too much food, being overweight or exerting too much mechanical strain on the spine, all the cause of our back pain. There are many and varied causes.

Have you thought about the possibility that if we eat foods that irritate our intestine, this causes the abdominal muscles, which support the spine, lose their strength, and in turn, that the spine becomes more prone to diseases?

Taking into account how the body develops and functions, many symptoms that our body shows us begin to make sense.

The importance of the nervous system

The first thing that develops during the gestation of a fetus is the nervous system: the brain is first formed, followed by the spinal cord and then through the network of nerves that branch out to reach all parts of our body. The nervous system is responsible for directing the growth of the rest of the body, organs, bones and muscles. Thereafter, your nervous system maintains and coordinates all the actions of your body.

So, how can irritated bowels affect the abdominal muscles? Well, very simple, they share the same network of nerves that ensure their operation! If our intestine becomes irritated, then other areas will also be affected, due to the reflex effect of the nerve that controls and coordinates both parts.

If you have ever tried sit-ups or any other exercise after eating a spicy curry, you will know what we are talking about. Another good example would be the low back pain that some women usually suffer when they are menstruating; in the same way that many people, being constipated, suffer from severe back pain.

Your diet may be causing your back pain

Now, back to the diet, it is known that it affects the intestines, which in turn affect the abdominal muscles that ultimately affect the health of the spine. So, what foods could irritate the intestine and increase the chances of making us suffer lumbago? There is no simple answer, since each person is different and, consequently, the levels and types of intolerance towards certain foods will also be different.

Foods that irritate the intestine: gluten

Although there are several foods that can irritate the intestine, let's consider gluten, which can be found in a wide variety of food products such as bread and pasta.

A minority of people are dangerously intolerant to gluten, celiac, but many people suffer from swelling after a plate of pasta. It goes without saying that celiacs can not eat gluten, but what about people who feel bloated and uncomfortable after eating foods that contain gluten? Well, let's leave it for you to decide, but we hope you have a better idea of ​​how your diet can affect the health of your spine.

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