
Port Rotes and Les Roques present their charges, and Campaments choose president

01 2015 April - 08: 49

It's been a very intense week in which failures It is concerned, since little by little we know the names of those who will be the stars of next year next year.

La Les Roques failsAfter announcing that Ruth Negre will be his biggest faller, he announced the names of his children: Miriam Miralles, daughter of President René Miralles, will be the faller higher infant commission for this new year, while Felipe Costa address the Xicalla the child fails as president.

Charges Falla Les Roques 2016

For its part, the Port Rotes fails He announced that children's charges this year will be held by the small Sea Reig Devesa and Alejandro Molina Fontanet. They will accompany the president, Poto Martí, and the faller, Natalia Serra, during the year that now begins.

Failure charges Port Rotes 2016

Finally on Tuesday night we learned that Borja Giménez de la Asunción will lead the Campaments fails during his 25 anniversary, taking over from Cristina Ferrándiz, who has been at the forefront of failure the past two years.

Borja Giménez is the president of Campaments to 2016

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