
Opinion Pepa Sivera (PP): «Trellat molt, Mr. Carrió. But what a molt! »

November 25 from 2016 - 15: 29

It might have little shame ... the saying goes it was green and ate a donkey, but "Trellat" or "brains," as the saying goes, I think if I (forgive my modesty ahead, of course).

Mr Carrió, when you do not like the criticism of his management, diverts attention pulling balls out attacking with issues that have little to do with what my article referred, and it does fall into the easy and cheap insult. Oh Mr. Carrio, who is seen duster!

Pepa Sivera - PP Dénia

Wherever you look so nice, with that great smile that hides its most rancid and despot part. I'll tell you, Mr. Carrió, the facts demonstrate and preach own example, which you have never exercised, and who knows you well know what I mean. But I will not go into the frontcourt, disqualification, if not facts.

I can not deny that from the Department of Education did not put things very easy to carry out all necessary projects in Dénia in education, I have never denied, but I can not be accused of keeping "impassive" to all these questions since I did not hesitate a second to stand up to my "superior" and tell them what they did not like to hear. In this regard I strongly believe that you would dance too much water ... Mr Marzá stands up, man!

I will not go into political issues that have surrounded the Generalitat all those years ago because it is boring and common knowledge, but I always say that justice will put all in place, but the economic situation of the moment to me he had to defend the Department of education was very difficult. Anyway I will tell Mr Carrió than their predecessors colleagues of mine, they did not leave much better picture than you say you've left me ... and I'll make a memory ...

You say we have not done anything, well, ruling you together PSOE, being Mrs. Paqui Viciano mayor, I remind her that there was an extension of IES Chabás in barracks on land rented in the Camí del Llavador. Well, there was not even land assigned or scheduled to cede to Consellería for the construction of a new IES, we were the ones who in just 3 years had to do everything, assignment and later construction by the new IES consellería, called now 3er IES. Did the PSPV-COMPROMIS say anything? Nothing, not even congratulations.

On the issue that was under my previous article, School of Xara, you say that years and years in barracks doing nothing ... well ... I will say at the Xara you ruled over loooooooong years, several legislatures, and the Ayto. Denia also by the PSOE. What did it for conservation? I'll tell you ... nothing.

That was how shabby and falling apart, it was decided to make a new school with all the problems associated with the transfer of land that did not come because they were either mortgaged or outside urban planning. (Before you scolded me I'll tell you, yes, a general urban development plan had not yet arrived, thanks to the negative votes of his party and the PSOE. A plan that we presented and came backed by society Dianense through workshops).

Well, I raised with what we had and always hand EATIM of Xara, and with the approval of Provincial Council of Alicante and Ministry, a project of rehabilitation and expansion for the school in order to finish once and for all the barracks and give the children of Xara decent school where teach their classes.

And what about you Mr. Carrio? I do not want children to have a new school ... how can you have such chutzpah? I was the first to tell you that would be fantastic, but I would have to see that cost would have on students, more waiting and uncertainty because the project also has its difficulties. Do not put things in my mouth that I did not say, Mr Carrio.

Regarding the Official School of Languages, I will say that the decree is not necessary to ensure that the qualification is legal. They are legal since day one, do not lie to citizens please! And that money is owed to the management team we will pay us either, it will pay Conselleria What we all pay in the end? ... as all ... through taxes imposed by certain that the Government will rise to all Valencians.

We gave a new and dignified installation (remember they were in the María Ibars) in which he had to make an adjustment on ventilation of internal classrooms that was already agreed with the owner of the premises. There are precedents from other schools that have been rent to which the Department has given the decree. Mr. Carrió ... less singing and acting!

Regarding the extension of Raquel Payá. Ceded by the city of Denia and project by Consellería land, scheduled for the beginning 2016. Now new transfer of land just when the General Plan is being prepared and not have any idea where they may be. But also said it was great if you could make a new school, which remind you that it is local ... .As might be better than Cuba travel you will save and traveling a bit more for our region to ask people a bit more economic support for this joint project that both costs our city.

If you Mr Carrió aims to "make the world 7 days" and can go asking ... might not be a bad idea that instead of reopening Canal 9 and raise taxes on all Valencians, earmarked the 29 million euros that it entails a build at least 6 schools.

Last but not bore you with the temita, I tell him not presume to Xarxa you llibres because it was not his even less idea, and is the most unsupportive aid has never distributed, both those who need it as that left over and of course that students in private schools or water ... of course ... as they want to disappear ... well ... ..haciendo friends, you see. In the previous legislature from the Department of Education they have given grants for the purchase of books at the same time from schools "book banks" which now have not done any work that has led to the AMPAS were made. Less trolas Mr Carrio!

Mr. Carrió, always in the face, so you will find me. I already told you that changing your mind in politics is always lawful to improve but not to delay and to show off with your projects. We work for citizens not for photos. And this is the political game… sometimes it is given and other times it is received. Now it is up to you to receive that for that governs, yes, always with a clear smile ... do not be angry man! Oh, and with my hand always out of course.

Amb molt of little vergonya but Trellat, Salut i força!

Pepa Sivera blanquer
Councilman PP municipal group Dénia

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