
Compromís opinion: «On the intervention of the municipal government»

16 June 2022 - 13: 15

From the first debate of 2021 to the day after little change, things continue to be the same in terms of tangible results for the city, in terms of the values ​​of this government team and in terms of historical achievements and claims. The excuse of the continuing pandemic was presented as a justification for delays and inefficient management.

Ahir vam return to feel eixe full of route amb què have treballat, which is not another thing to call announcements and projects that s'executen quan convé electoralmente. I ja s'apropa the soroll of the tisores inaugurant cosetes that carry anys de retard. Enguany has servit per to prepare the land i fer anuncis i més anuncis. And the result is that we have many things that see the light in the campaign, but they do not cease to be continuing projects that will begin in the previous legislature; they are plans emanated from the Generalitat, with the Edificant or Convivint plans; Others that come with an intentional delay, like the redona de Santa Llúcia that is going to propose Compromís f more than 3 years; or others that have been badly executed and have to be referred to, with Plaça Valgamedís. We believe that the society expects more than an absolute majority with 12 councillors.

Tot això ens deixa veure that the PSOE Sols works for the campaign and for the last legislature. While at the beginning they fan the most unpopular things (bid of sous bestial, increase of alliberats regidors), or controversial policies, with the conversion of white zones of almost all the parking of the center or the pedestrianization of Marqués de Campos. The latter does not follow the guidelines of the study that is going to cost thousands of euros and that recommends the pedestrianization only comptant both real alternatives of parking and a mobility plan. I així works eixe famous full of route: fer studies i plans per a després fer les sews with “ens dona la whina”, because “per això ens have votat”.

We are going to be a great Mediterranean, touristic and sustainable city, but we are always struggling with the shortcomings that cannot be governed by the government of the Generalitat and the State: underfinancing, quality health, train, beach regeneration, autonomous port... Coses that clearly yes, ens affect com a poble. Ahir in this sense the mayor will return to say that quan vulguem can anar to talk between Valencia or Madrid. It will not be because we have passed three years ahead! Of faith it will be the first unfulfilled promise of the mayor, who will say at the beginning of the legislature that the first thing he would do would be to join Foment a vore with the train, and now who is the sixth opinion of him now: I Love Tram. I Love PSOE. He is the one who teas the branchism...

We have not deixat d'urge to fer eixes vindicacions, not only the one of campaign that interests, but any rere any. But at the time of the truth, the meetings fan them to carry tancada and they don't invite any of the opposition, they are fans of the photo and herding, that we will find out by press...(with the meeting of the 'Mayor with the former Minister of Health or Costs) to which we have followed the rest of the groups that have promoted motions and proposals related to these issues. And it shows that the participation is made up, and that the transparency of which it presumes is limited to posting on a web page the personal and comptes information of the members of the corporation.

As far as we are concerned, we have continued to act constructively, positively and collaboratively, just as we have been during the Acord del Castell. Molts comment that this is going to be our mistake and that it is going to take its toll, but we believe that it is the attitude that the citizens expect from their politicians, and not a gibberish continued with the politics of the passat, or the arrogance of an absolute improvement present . But tot te a límit i hi haurà per coses per les que no passarem.

This government team also does good things and teas good politics and some good rulers. But also the opposition, or the associations and the citizenry, which is often ignored for not following the ideas of the PSOE. Eixe is the sectarianism and the roller that we denounced, and that continues present as if it were one more member of the corporation.

Not all good ideas are socialists, not all projects emanate from their programs, and they are not deus, perfect or untouchable. Per això would be a bit of self-criticism for a change. As above, we hope that they put their feet on the ground and are adone that as much as we salute the citizenry they deserve more respect, humiliation, honesty and consideration from their power, because the glorious times and the comfort zone will not last forever.

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