
No company wants to take over the future Marqués de Campo park

May 04 from 2023 - 09: 18

It is one of the most anticipated projects, as it was announced to great fanfare in December 2021. But not much has been heard from him. The site of the old Marqués de Campo ambulatory will still take time to become the ambitious park that they promised, since no construction company has wanted to apply for the contract.

It is a great work that has a budget of 740.000 euros to make the project designed by the architect Carlos Chacón Pérez, winner of a contest that had a large participation and wide dissemination, a reality. That was at the end of 2021, but nothing was made in the following months. According to the City Council, the shortages caused by the European war crisis forced the start of construction to be delayed.

Already in April of this year there was a breakthrough: the period for submitting offers to win the tender was opened. Shortly after, at the end of the same month, the term expired. No mercantile opted.

no offers

With the contest deserted due to the lack of offers from companies, the next step is to repeat the tender, although everything indicates that reviewing the economic amount to adjust more to what the construction companies may require. The date is not clear, because, as reported by Alicante Plaza, they are considering the possibility of repeating it once the 28M has passed, leaving it for the next local government.

From the City Council they have assured the newspaper that the offer takes into account the increase in the prices of materials, so this null response has caught them by surprise.

The project

The architect was inspired for the design by the old Rosaleda, where families and friends gathered in a place where they did movies as well as dances. But above all it created community.

Based on the mythical space of Dénia, he created a square that is vaguely reminiscent of a Roman forum, with green spaces and designed to be used for a wide range of events, from presentations and awards ceremonies to open-air cinema. In fact, it will have a work platform that facilitates the realization of these.

  1. Jopelin says:

    With that budget it doesn't work. You have to take into account the "working" hours to go to lunch.
    See surrounding works, example pedestrianization of Marqués del Campo or Glorieta de Dénia that the months go by….months….and 28 M! to vote!

  2. Roxroo says:

    But who collons” believes such barbarism?? With what they have stolen and continue to steal from the City Council, how was it not to be expected that it be left for the next paletillo that comes!!? If on top of that they trust that they are going to continue robbing the citizens that we have awakened from their lies… Wait for 28M, we have many WINNINGS for them!!

  3. Bill says:

    Did the City Council not look to better understand why there were no bids – if, as they say, they had built in the increase in the price of materials, what was holding construction companies back?

    I have to say the whole design looked to lack any spark of originality or personality! It is easy to conjure evocative wording to support the design, but in reality it is reminiscent of a low rent pergola with some temporary material shading; nothing that can weather the passing of time and/or demonstrate an understanding of the needs of a town with such history and growth!

  4. Dani says:

    There should be a cinema, not a park.
    The municipal cinema "Dianium".
    With free movies, bar and shop to buy sweets.
    what a crap project

  5. Jot says:

    A contest for a public tender that has been deserted, why is it that I am not surprised. Most of the time they offer it below market value and it is impossible for a company to get involved in a project where they will most likely end up losing money.

  6. Alejandro says:

    And that they widen the sidewalks of Candida Carbonell, and remove the loading and unloading that seems that we are in Mercamadrid

  7. Sea Balles says:

    All you need is a lot of vegetation, such as bougainvillea and cacti that don't need a lot of water, paving so that there is no dirt and some pretty benches that are not minimalist at all, with a boho style….
    I hope the idea is taken into account.
    Thank you

    • Pillar says:

      Well look, yes, because everything they do in the end I don't know what happens in this town that they have to renew again because of the botched jobs. (Oh and add sources with drinking water)
