
Multisecma continues to «localize» the Marina Alta

06 2011 April - 00: 00

The Multisectoral Association of Entrepreneurs of the Marina Alta continúa con sus propuestas para que el nombre «Marina Alta» sea más visible en todos los pueblos de la comarca. A este respecto, en la junta general celebrada el pasado lunes, se anunciaron las acciones que van a llevar a cabo para conseguirlo.

As announced a few months ago, they continue talking to the people of the region to include in your brand Signage Marina Alta. Ondara has already responded to this request and the name and can read their signals. Also they intend to sensitize the general public of the importance of the region and potential benefits.

also taking advantage of the proximity of the municipal elections, the president of the association, Sonja Dietz He expressed his interest in meeting with all the candidates for the mayor's office to get to know their projects first-hand and let them know their concerns first-hand.

Session April Multisecma

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