
"Pamper yourself" teaches young people the risks of alcohol abuse

19 October 2010 - 00: 00

During this week, the institutes and some of the schools in Dénia receive a visit from Peter Roberts, a mime who will teach the dangers of alcohol consumption thanks to an activity organized by the Department of Addiction Prevention.

pamper yourself It is a mime show by staging it aims to make students reflect on the importance of responsible consumption and the possible consequences of abuse are.

Representations began yesterday in the IES Chabas and school PaidosToday they will be at the IES María Ibars and the Alfa & Omega school, tomorrow Wednesday at the IES Number 3 and the Maristas school, and the tour will end at the Carmelitas school Thursday.

the participation of more than 1.200 students is expected.

pamper yourself

  1. Soraya Cuendias says:

    I feel great, THAT GOOD WAY TO TEACH THE CHIC @ S.

  2. juan diego llamas says:

    Simply: "wonderful initiative."
