
Green light for the dog beach in the port area (until the end of summer)

21 July 2016 - 19: 05

Good news for pet lovers and for citizens Dénia and especially his councilor at City Hall, Mari Martínez: The Council has reached an agreement with the service port operation of the Government to authorize him precariously to the use of a stretch of beach port for the use of pets.

The councilor of beaches, Óscar Mengual, Explained this portal that the next step is a coordination meeting with the technical manager of beaches and environment to establish the necessary cleaning to be carried out Pavasal, but the intention is to accelerate the most of the process so that the beach is available at soon as possible.

Beach tip Raset Dénia

The Mayor of Dénia, Vicent Grimalt, Explained that «el equipo de gobierno ha llegado a este acuerdo con la Generalitat Valenciana cuando hemos podido comprobar de forma fehaciente que no existe ningún peligro para especies protegidas en la futura playa para perros. De esta forma cumplimos con el acuerdo unánime del pleno de Dénia del mes de abril para que la Conselleria de Vivienda, Obras Públicas y Vertebración del Territorio, a través de la Dirección General de Obras Públicas, Transporte y Movilidad, nos autorice a utilizar un tramo de la playa portuaria adscrita al puerto de Dénia para el uso de animales domésticos, ante la demanda de este tipo de usos por parte de los residentes y visitantes».

The report requested by the municipality to the Directorate General of Natural Environment (Wildlife Service) to assess whether the future beach for dogs in the port area affected or not the habitats of the 2000 Natura Network or species included in catalogs of threatened or threatened species. protected concludes that «dado que el chorlitejo patinegro sí que está presente en la zona y ésta reúne las condiciones adecuadas para la reproducción de la especie y que su comportamiento reproductivo puede alargarse hasta el mes de julio, es necesario restringir temporalmente las actividades que puedan afectar desfavorablemente su conservación y reproducción», And therefore proposes «para este año y con carácter temporal para esta temporada de verano, retardar el uso propuesto en la zona hasta principios de julio».

Grimalt has indicated that eventually the City will not have to pay for use of this area or have special surveillance or specific infrastructure during 2016 season. However, nothing ends the summer season, Councilman Beaches conduct negotiations with ports to determine the conditions of use for summer 2017.

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  1. Leon says:

    The neighbors of Ondara and printer bottle streets we would like to be treated us like dogs
    If so, surely the street Ondara urbanizaria and we would be pleased to be treated like dogs

  2. At Last says:

    And give it to the dog beach If the city council were so persistent, with the cleaning of lots, there are even rats; cleaning of slopes, sidewalks, construction of bus station, General Plan ect, as it is with the «beach for dogs» , Denia would be wonderful
