
Night roofs witness the presentation of Irene Gemma López

November 28 from 2011 - 00: 00

The secrets of the night on Sunday morning revealed in the presentation of Irene Gemma López Bisquert as Fallera Mayor Infant Falla Saladar for the 2011 / 2012 exercise. Irene Gemma, who is accompanied in the position by Yago Martín Calafat, lived a morning full of emotions in which she was sheltered by her loved ones and many friends of the commission.

Drivers act was four kittens roamed the rooftops of the city, where they welcomed members Xicalla Saladar faller.

Irene Gemma, flanked by two huge cats and a crescent moon on top, took his place, where he was visited by friends of the fault, outgoing charges and special visit from his parents, President and Fallera Mayor Fault saladar 2012.

Noelia Genzone, a friend of Irene Gemma looked after her since the Summer School, had the responsibility to dedicate a emocionadísimas words made him drop more than a tear during his speech.

The star of the morning wept during his speech, especially to thank her parents trust her for this position.

Irene Gemma and Yago now start the final stretch of a year full of emotions.

  1. Irene Gema Lopez says:

    Now look at the video of my presentation and I will leave even the ajjajjjaja lagrimillas

  2. Sergio says:

    Look what ho heu fet bé (on top of the 4 gats: Andrea, Angèlica, Álvaro and Roberto)! Glad that tot haja eixit com cal! Saluti !!! 😀

  3. AINHOA says:

    Irene Enhorabona i Yago, disfruteu expect any of this is going molt molt bonico i i Segur que mai rapid oblidareu a besaeta, muakaaa.
