
Socialists deplore the attitude of the Popular Party to oil exploration

17 October 2014 - 00: 00

The socialist mayor in the city of Denia, Cristina Morera valued the negative vote Party to a socialist initiative debated in the Congress of Deputies regarding prospecting in Valencia, “It is of no use to collect signatures, approve declarations and motions in plenary against the prospects in Valencia, if the state PP still does not permanently stop them".

Signatures against oil prospecting in Dénia

According to the socialist councilor, the PSOE filed a motion in which they requested that they reject the permits for research or authorizations for exploration of hydrocarbons, granted or in process, in the Spanish Mediterranean Sea, as well as the authorization of new phases of the current ones, and urges the Government of Spain to its paralysis for its impacts on the marine environment, and to mean a serious danger to fishing and tourism.

Morera has asked the head of the PP of Denia, Ana Kringe, To stand before his party mates in Madrid and demand once and for all a resounding NO against the prospects and has called the People's Party dangerous excuse to trust the future of oil prospecting to the study of environmental impact.

1 Comment
  1. José Pelusino says:

    I do not understand why there are those who are against the necessary investigations being carried out if we "can" become happy that there are hydrocarbons here in front of our beaches.
    Would not it generate wealth for the whole region and jobs for many people?
    Or is it more important to keep the seabed untapped, even though the future of many beings might be there? Are there not seven parts of water and only three of earth?
    Boto to be made and hopefully find, would be a greater good against the small negative impact that could have.
