
The Socialists denounced the lack of interest of the city council in the district of Les Roques

05 October 2012 - 00: 00

During this week, the mayor of Dénia and several councilors have visited the Les Roques neighborhood to learn first-hand about the needs of the area and its neighbors, an action that the spokesman for the socialist group, Vicent Grimalt, Has branded «incomprensible (…) cuando está dejando perder una subvención desde que llegó a la alcaldía julio de 2008».

Grimalt has accused Pepa Font Of failing to execute a redevelopment of the neighborhood «que supondría la creación de puestos de trabajo».

Recalling that the ARI of Les Roques was one of the great aims of the Socialist government before the censure motion, Grimalt warned that «en estos cuatro años el PP-CU sólo ha urbanizado la ronda de las murallas y ha dejado en un cajón la reurbanización de las calles del barrio que están totalmente abandonadas e incluso la propuesta socialista de urbanizar la calle Olivera, Nou, San Francesc, San Vicent de la Roqueta, Hospital, etc, nunca ha sido incluida en los presupuestos».

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  1. Lucia says:

    But let's see ... Have the central government paid something to Denia since it executed the first works ???? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
    Well then what do we have to do ??? Let the city council much more debt?
