
Les Roques children celebrate their birthdays

06 June 2012 - 00: 00

a couple of Sundays ago, we celebrated our casal faller a meal to celebrate the birthday of the children in our children's committee that meet the years in the months of March and April. For this occasion, our great friend Paco Soler, came to get a paella, which was the delight of all present, very good!

For this reason he presented him with a wooden spoon with the coat of our failure hand painted in the form of gratitude for the collaboration, from here, we turn to thank Paco, glad to have people like you !!.

After lunch, we took a big cake, and are of the traditional song happy birthday, the birthday candles and blew received their favors on behalf of the fault.

We were late into the evening in the manor, taking the cafes and doing charraeta faller, finally, these are shared with people of your commission and friends who make special the world of vole failures and every day we engage more falleros.

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