
The charges of the Les Roques fault received their 'nomenaments'

14 March 2018 - 15: 22

The highest charges of the Les Roques fails for this exercise they were the main protagonists of the intense weekend that is already behind. Sandra, Fran, Marc and Carla received, on Sunday afternoon, the official appointments as the highest representatives of the commission in an act that was held in the house and in which they were sheltered from the entire fault.

nomenaments cargos de les roques

This act culminated a weekend full of fallas commitments that began with the preparation of the children's globotà that was held on Saturday afternoon to which large and small attended, as well as the major fallas of Dénia and their courts of honor.

On Sunday, the charges of the fault participated in the Day of the Flag of the West and in the afternoon, in the house they gave the rewards and emblems of the fault.

comision de la falla les roques

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