
The positive and negative of 2023 for Compromís per Dénia, and their wishes for next year

29 December 2023 - 14: 13

As usual in the final stretch of each exercise, Compromís per Dénia has carried out a review of the political year, highlighting positive and negative aspects, and sharing wishes and purposes for the new year.

Rafa Carrió, spokesperson for the group, vice mayor and councilor for Public Health, Linguistic Promotion and Housing, highlights very positively the achievement of the electoral objectives of last May. «It has been an intense year of elections, but at the local level we celebrate our return to government to continue transforming the Dénia that we all want through dialogue. In this third term, we aspire to have the second Valencian mayor after Sebastià García.

Likewise, it has highlighted the development of key areas for the city, allowing the continuity and development of the policies of the Valencian project, as well as other proposals presented to the people, such as the multipurpose space for festive and cultural uses, the corporation states.

In the same way, he has insisted on the greatest triumph of all in his opinion: Dénia as a "Botanical territory." According to Carrió, dialogue and negotiation have guaranteed political stability and a progressive government that has resisted the reactionary tendency of the right and the extreme right.

As for the negative aspects, Carrió highlights the loss of the Botánico in the Generalitatm which translates, according to the Valencian, into uncertainty and loss of acquired rights and values. "We will miss the good harmony with an open, transparent, plural Generalitat, which had promoted numerous projects for Dénia, such as the Edificant Plan or the Convivint Plan."

Also as a negative aspect, the new autonomous government's way of doing politics stands out: "Retrograde, dark and that shamelessly attacks democratic values ​​and social rights, as well as Valencian identity and culture."

Sin ir más lejos, también ha afeado lo que ha llamado «antipolítica» de la oposición en Dénia. «Lamentamos la irrupción de la ultraderecha en el Ayuntamiento y la presencia de una derecha que trabaja la política del ‘todo vale’: deslealtad institucional, egolatría, demagogia y falta de memoria».

Compromís wishes for Dénia for 2024

In this sense, Carrió assures that he will work to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and hopes that 2024 will be a year of "work, dialogue and positive construction", especially urging the Party to work constructively with the local government for the good of Dénia, instead of "remaining entrenched in an electoral campaign."

Other wishes of the Valencians include the continuity of the pending projects of the Generalitat for Dénia and an orderly and dignified transition from healthcare to public management. Carrió remembers that the deprivatization of public health in Dénia is a success for civil society, not for the party that privatized it. Finally, he expresses the hope that 2024 will be a year free of conflicts and wars, where peace and health prevail.

Also the new councilors María José García y Valen Alcala, responsible for Economic Promotion and Sports and Youth, respectively, have joined the review of the year that ends. García describes 2023 as a "frantic" year, but rich in challenges, excitement and work. Work that has resulted in “continued success” and implementation of policies for local commerce and employment. "For me, proximity is essential and in 2024 I want to continue working with proposals emanating from the commercial sector through associations, one-on-one, the Council or the Joint Market Commission that we have created."

By 2024, it foresees a restructuring of the Market, new policies to promote the industrial estate, new revitalization activities and commitment to more segmented and participatory good consumption. Likewise, it intends to continue working on the implementation of the Dénia commercial brand, the promotion of the local commerce web platform or the promotion of commerce in neighborhoods outside the center, among other proposals of the strategic plan.

Finally, councilor Valen Alcalà states that it is "a great pride to have been working actively for Dénia as a councilor in recent months, from Valencianism and participation with the social and sports entities of the city, and I will continue in this line in 2024».

The first thing that Alcalà highlighted about the work of these months is precisely this dialogue with the sports and youth sector to find out their needs through the many meetings held, participation in groups or the launch of the Sports Council. It also highlights the visibility of sports schools through their public presentation "valuing the effort, work and quality of our athletes and coaches, and that is why in 2024 the Sports Gala will also return." Likewise, new sports activities have been launched, new classrooms, and improvements are being made to the sports facilities "working on these small things that are very necessary for the development of sports activity."

As for Youth, as he points out, a lot of work has been done through the participation of youth groups, and that "the largest range of Llunàtics and Dinàmics courses and schedules has been made available to date", as well as "we have organized new activities "very well received that highlight our culture and traditions."

By 2024, the young mayor intends to continue working with the objective of "valuing everything that is Dénia and its people, and showing that we are many more than sun and beach."

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  1. Manuel Femenia says:

    They are a gang of communist pedophiles and thieves, as demonstrated by their boss, in addition to the altar boys of Catalan exclusionary and xenophobic nationalism.

  2. Carlos says:

    I have to continue learning more about the Psoe, face to face they have a lot of clarity that they can follow what they see and have to press for a month. The people have seen these menejant-vos and are noteworthy in what they have decided. It's a long race and I can't stop. These mesos esteu fent bon job!

  3. Mateu says:

    It remains moltíssim per fer. There are so many things to appreciate Dénia that we may not end up in these comments. I'm simply donating my congratulations because things seem to have started to get better since I've been in government. Les majories mai son bones per a no…

    Trust that he will not stop putting pressure on the government so that our people have what they deserve. Don't sleep, it's molt!
