
The areas of botanical interest in Dénia already have 'protection'

11 2015 April - 00: 00

Zones Catalog Botanical and landscape interest of Dénia came into force earlier this month just after it was published in the DOCV the second public exhibition of the Structural Plan. The previous catalog had been declared invalid by the High Court of Justice, like the catalog of goods, reported by the Town Planning, Vicente Chelet. That means that areas as Racons, Dunes of Marines en Deveses, the Torrecremada garden or the Finca la Baronesa garden already enjoy protection "Says Chelet.

Park Torrecremada

Other areas previously protected by other documents and legislation, as would be the LIC Montgo and Almadrava, dunes areas like Racons and Santa Ana, or natural microrreservas have been added to the document it has three types of protection: integrated partial and environmental.

The catalog is divided into three parts: Landscapes; Natural Heritage or sets; Individual items of interest. In the section of landscapes, 35 elements appear with comprehensive protection a total of 23, including the wet area Racons, the Barranqueres of Jesus Pobre or Foia Blanca. Regarding the new section Natural Heritage or sets are places that already existed as the House of the baroness, with full protection, along with new ones such as Villa Candida or Tres Torres, and also appear carob del Camí Sant Joan or holm del Rio Gorgos.

In the individual elements, which would correspond to the monumental trees, they all have maximum protection and among them are the Torrena Doménech dragon tree, the Murta de Vessanes school or the El Cortijo eucalyptus.

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