
The gastronomic days "La taula del Comte" commemorate the death of the Count of Dénia

May 08 from 2012 - 00: 00

600 years ago died the first Conde de Dénia, Alfons d'Aragó, grandson of King Jaume II. To mark this event, the restaurant Seu Denia has organized a series of gastronomic events under the title The taula del Comte They will be held for four nights with different menus period.

The chef in charge of the conference, Diana Navarro, has been inspired by documents published in Valencia on the culinary tastes of the Count and his wife to prepare different menus that will be served from now until Friday at the 21: 30 hours.

Each day will feature an expert in the art that will complete the menu with the time related to the time and gastronomy knowledge.

To enjoy every dinner one table will be set for up to 20 diners, simulating banquets of yesteryear.

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