
The Pere Eiximen d'En Carrós square becomes the scene of a tense October 9

09 October 2023 - 18: 04

On the sunny Pere Eiximen D'en Carros square, the institutional event of October 9 in Dénia was held for the first time. In it, to the expectation of a large number of neighbors, Valencian culture, music and dance converged, with the demands of the spokespersons of the political groups.

October 9 has always been an event for vindication, but never before has there been an event as tense as the one experienced this year in Dénia. In an ideal environment, after performances that gave goosebumps and in front of a hundred people who had come to the place for the celebration, the spokespersons for the political groups of the Dénia City Council took advantage of the microphone to launch endless recriminations against each other. against the others.

Language and identity

The representative of Gent of Dénia, mario vidal, began his speech by highlighting the importance of defending Valencian identity in a year marked by elections. He called for the defense of the Valencian language, fair regional financing, the forgiveness of inappropriate debt, the recovery of the Dret Civil Valencian, and other necessary demands. Vidal also noted the importance of listening to Valencian representatives in the Spanish parliament, regardless of their political affiliation, to advocate for the interests of the Comunitat Valenciana.

Félix Redondo, from Vox, focused his speech on the pride of belonging to the Valencian people and highlighted the history of the conquest of the region by Jaume I. He underlined the wealth of the Valencian Community in terms of natural resources, culture and gastronomy. Redondo also emphasized the linguistic diversity of the community and called for preserving a Valencian language in the face of alleged impositions. He encouraged unity and celebration of Valencian traditions.

Rafa Carrió, Compromís, expressed his concern about the recent attacks on the Valencian language and culture by some political sectors. He called for defending and promoting the language and criticized actions that threaten to undermine its status. Carrió urged that Valencians be treated with respect and love, highlighting their importance for Valencian identity and culture.

Pepa Font, the Party, began his speech with a poem that highlighted the importance of words and identity. He highlighted the history of Dénia and the importance of preserving the Valencian identity. He advocated for the peaceful coexistence of different opinions and for respect for the cultural and linguistic diversity of the community.

Maria Josep Ripoll, the PSPV, highlighted the importance of Valencian identity and culture on this special day. He emphasized the importance of unity and expressed his commitment to the promotion and preservation of the Valencian language. He highlighted the diversity of the Valencian Community and its role as a land of opportunities and welcome.

The Mayor of Dénia, Vicent Grimalt, concluded the series of speeches with a call to defend the Valencian identity and language. He highlighted the importance of freedom and equality in the construction of Valencian identity and criticized attacks on culture and language. Furthermore, he urged unity and the protection of fundamental democratic values.

  1. Margherita says:

    He is absolutely right
    I don't know if you see tension on anyone's part.
    Thank you.

  2. Fernando says:

    Where is the
    Crisping of the
    Headline ? It will not be the journalist who is on their side
    Nerves ?
