
The Shtandart frigate in Dénia canceled

06 2024 April - 12: 00

From April 5 to 8, the Sports and Tourist Port Marina Dénia It planned to host the iconic ship, a faithful historical replica of a 28-gun frigate from the XNUMXth century. Finally, the event has been canceled. Marina Dénia informed the Shtandart Frigate that there was no place available for mooring, so the initiative will not take place.

Information about Shtandart

From the masts with their large square sails to the decks and guns, everything exudes great authenticity. Every detail is functional, and is the result of careful historical research. The entire boat is an impressive work of craftsmanship that transports you to the world of wood and sails that were 18th century boats. Shtandart has appeared in films such as 22 angels, by Javier Bardem, and series like La Fortuna, by Alejandro Amenábar.

The replica was built by a group of young volunteers, led by Vladimir Martus, who undertook the project with practically no means. Today Shtandart sails the seas as a training ship, transporting its visitors to a world of adventure and discovery. Anyone can join the Shtandart crew and experience life aboard an 18th century sailing ship.

  1. Jose Luis says:

    What a shame! port of Denia. Do you support vengeful Ukrainians? Or do you support your own population, our right to the culture of the Spaniards themselves? which side are you on? We arrived today with my family from Barcelona to see this ship. The ship is not in port. What a shame!

  2. Alice says:

    We were three families with children who specially came to Denia to look at your ship. And how disappointed we were to see that the ship was not in the port, and after reading that Denia allegedly did not find a place in the port. What a stupid and ugly position on the part of the city, which itself announced this event in the news a few weeks ago. Ukrainian associations, bravo, what a huge victory, but I don't think you should indicate here which events locals can attend and which they cannot, and which cultural life to choose. Can we do this ourselves, based on our beliefs and interests?

  3. Collectif international #NoShtandartInEurope says:

    Après Castellón, three beautiful victories of dignity in Dénia, city of the Valencian Communauté in Spain!

    All dispositions available are available for accueillir le Shtandart, for faire sa promotion et pour organizer les visitates à bord. Pourtant les autorités portuaires de Dénia ont diplomatiquement avisé l'employé de Choïgu et de Poutine qu'elles n'avaient pas de place à quai pour lui. Nous attendanceions une confirmation écrite tant, nous craignions une manœuvre tordue de dernière minute.

    Finally, there is Vladimir Martus, capitaine-proprietaire of the Russian frégate, who involuntarily authenticated, ici, la bonne nouvelle, le samedi 6 avril au matin.

    We congratulate the president of the Association of Ukrainians «KALYNA» and the president of the Ukraine Aid Association Dénia for their efforts, for their opinion and for this magnificent double success. Il faut aussi remercier les personnalités de bonne volonté qui, solidairement, se sont jointes à leur cause. A new fois, l'Espagne donne une leçon d'honneur et de démocratie à la «patrie des droits de l'homme» qui, par naïveté ou par cupidité, ne daigne ni honorer sa signature internationale, ni respecter ses engagements, tout en prefer to serve Russian interests.

    L'entêtement des autorités françaises dans thiste collaboration est de moins en moins excusable maintenant que les journaux Castellón informacion et Ouest-France ont partagé des preuves irrefutables contre la fable toxique du Shtandart.Ils ont révélé les liens de Vladimir Martus avec le pouvoir russe, démasqué son faux statut d'opposant, démontré le caractère officiel de sa mission propagandiste en favor de l'impérialisme russe et fait la lumière sur ses différentes mystifications, dont celle de prétendre que son équipage est tout entier ou majoritairement composé d'Ukrainiens.

    Car, ce n'est pas une seule personne, ni un petit groupe d'activistes, que a demandé que la marina de Dénia soit fermée au Shtandart. Ce sont les 27 États membres de l'EU qui l'exigent en ayant ratifié, à l'unanimité, le 5e volet des sanctions pris suite aux massacres de Boutcha. Depuis le 16 avril 2022, l'article 3 sexies bis du Règlement européen interdit la présence, dans les ports de l'Union, de TOUT navire immatriculé sous pavillon russe. After November 28, 2022, the contour of European sanctions is subject to criminal proceedings. After June 9, 2023, a public agent is an aggravating circumstance for those who participate in this fraud. Certains, in France, feraient bien de tirer toutes les leçons de l'exemple espagnol.

    Bernard Grua, Bretagne, France
    Porte-parole du collectif international lanceur d'alerte, No Shtandart In Europe

  4. International collective #NoShtandartInEurope says:

    After Castellón, second great victory for dignity in Dénia, a city in the Valencian Community in Spain!

    All arrangements had been made to welcome the Shtandart, promote it and organize visits on board. However, the port authorities of Dénia diplomatically informed Shoigu and Putin's employee that they did not have room for him. We were waiting for written confirmation, so much so that we feared a devious last-minute maneuver.

    In the end, it was Vladimir Martus, captain and owner of the Russian frigate, who, unknowingly, authenticated the good news here on the morning of Saturday, April 6.

    We must congratulate the president of the Association of Ukrainians "KALYNA" and the president of the Dénia Ukraine Help Association, for their efforts, for their perseverance and for this magnificent double success. We must also thank the people of good will who, solidarity, have joined their cause. Once again, Spain gives a lesson in honor and democracy to the "homeland of human rights" that, out of naivety or greed, does not deign to honor its international signature or respect its commitments, preferring to serve Russian interests.

    The stubbornness of the French authorities in this collaboration is less and less excusable now that the newspapers Castellón informacion and Ouest-France have shared irrefutable evidence against the toxic fable of Shtandart. They revealed Vladimir Martus's ties to the Russian authorities, unmasked his false status as an opponent, demonstrated the official nature of his propaganda mission in favor of Russian imperialism, and shed light on his various deceptions, including the claim that all or most of its crew are Ukrainians.

    Because it was not a single person, or a small group of activists, who asked that the Dénia al Shtandart marina be closed. It was the 27 EU Member States that demanded it, having unanimously ratified the 5th package of sanctions after the Bucha massacres. Since April 16, 2022, Article 3e bis of the European Regulation prohibits the presence in EU ports of ANY vessel registered under the Russian flag. Since November 28, 2022, evading European sanctions is a criminal offense. Since June 9, 2023, being a public official is an aggravating circumstance for those involved in this fraud. Some in France would do well to learn all they can from the Spanish example.

    Bernard Crane, Brittany, France
    Spokesperson for the international collective #NoShtandartInEurope

  5. Captain of SHTANDART says:

    Dear people of Denia,
    6 April 2024
    The Frigate Shtandart planned a 4-day visit to Denia, and initially Marina de Denia has confirmed the availability of the berth. Even more, Marina de Denia assisted in distributing press-materials about the visit. Later, for some reason, the marina office called and told us that suddenly there are no place available.
    The ship's crew is deeply disappointed not to be able to visit Denia. We have heard a lot of good opinions about the town and its people from other ships.
    There is a question we have, however: is that an opinion of one person, or a small group of people make this visit cancelled?
    At SHTANDART, we always promote international friendship and understanding. We always sail with very international crew on board. We are happy to exchange the knowledge about different cultures, traditions, opinions. We see this as the only way to fight against dictatorships, for freedom of people. Together.
    We are all saddened that we cannot show you a sample of international friendship this time.
    Vladimir Martus, builder and captain of replica frigate SHTANDART

  6. Captain of SHTANDART says:

    Dear people of Denia,
    Frigate Shtandart planned a 4-day visit to Denia, and initially Marina de Denia has confirmed the availability of the berth. Even more, Marina de Denia assisted in distributing press-materials about the visit. Later, for some reason, the marina office called and told us that suddenly there are no place available.
    The ship's crew is deeply disappointed not to be able to visit Denia. We have heard a lot of good opinions about the town and its people from other ships.
    There is a question we have, however: is that an opinion of one person, or a small group of people make this visit cancelled?
    At SHTANDART, we always promote international friendship and understanding. We always sail with very international crew on board. We are happy to exchange the knowledge about different cultures, traditions, opinions. We see this as the only way to fight against dictatorships, for freedom of people. Together.
    We are all saddened that we cannot show you a sample of international friendship this time.

    • Anchovies says:

      We were three families with children who specially came to Denia to look at your ship. And how disappointed we were to see that the ship was not in the port, and after reading that Denia allegedly did not find a place in the port. What a stupid and ugly position on the part of the city, which itself announced this event in the news a few weeks ago. Ukrainian associations, bravo, what a huge victory, but I don't think you should indicate here which events locals can attend and which they cannot, and which cultural life to choose. Can we do this ourselves, based on our beliefs and interests?

  7. Bridget Smith says:

    The ship is advertised I be in Denia 5-8th April 3024 visited Denia but not there ???

  8. Manuel says:

    This morning of Friday the 5th we have been in the port and the frigate is not there, apparently the event has been canceled

  9. Manuel Aguanell says:

    This morning of Friday the 5th we have been in the port and the frigate is not there, apparently the event has been canceled


    Non-compliance with EU Regulation 2022/576 Sanctions against Russia.
    We would like to recall that on April 8, 2022, the European Union approved a new series of sanctions against Russia through Regulation (EU) 2022/576, amending Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 and applying restrictive measures motivated by Russia's atrocious actions in Ukraine. Among these measures is the prohibition of access to European Union ports for any ship registered under the Russian flag as of February 24, 2022, even if its registration had been subsequently modified.
    We believe that allowing the mooring of this ship not only contravenes these restrictions, but also sends a message of insensitivity towards the Ukrainian community, especially towards the refugees residing in our province who have fled the conflict in their country.
    The frigate “Shtandart” is owned by the company “Shtandart Project”, based in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The presence of this ship in our waters, promoted by the Denia Marina Marina, can be interpreted as a gesture of indirect support to Russian entities at a time when the international community is working together to put pressure on Russia with the in order to promote peace and respect for the sovereignty of Ukraine.

    • Jopelin says:

      It would be convenient for you to do the same writing that you have done through this medium, for example on social networks such as Twitter and others.
      It always has more readers and what you say spreads better

    • progress says:

      Denia is a progressive city.
      Long live progress!!!!!!
      If you have questions, consult our Illustrious Lord Mayor.

    • Eduardo says:

      Well, all this seems very good to me, but I found out now, on Saturday, and I came from Alcalá de Henares expressly to visit her. My wife and I don't even have good memories of Denia.

    • Luis says:

      Many Ukrainians "fled" to our country quietly share the Urbanization with the Russian community here settled in Altea Hills. They don't seem especially bothered or lacking in money, quite the opposite, they are swimming in money and flaunt it whenever they can. It's not like they're hiding either. As for the Boat thing, well okay, politicizing everything.
