Health Alert - Society

The curve, in Dénia, that will determine if the restrictions are eased

February 22 from 2021 - 09: 44

We enter fully into the decisive week to face a new de-escalation after the last serious episode of coronavirus that has been a severe blow to the Marina Alta.

The so-called third wave has put the incidence of the Dénia health department and its towns at levels never seen since the pandemic began. But the impact was not only aggravated in our region, but the same trend was repeated in most health areas of the Community. For this reason, the Generalitat made the decision after Christmas increase restrictions until we are left in a semi-confined situation, with businesses that had to stop their activity in their tracks, others whose hours were greatly reduced, perimeter confinements of municipalities, an extended curfew and with the prohibition of meeting more than two people in public spaces, in the same way that no Meetings have been allowed in private spaces, such as houses, with people outside the nucleus of coexistence.

These measures were successful and for a couple of weeks the incidence of the coronavirus finally remits to data similar to those of the days prior to this third wave. However, a slight rebound from last update showed how vulnerable any trend is in this pandemic, being able to be hopeful today and desperate tomorrow.

This rebound, as we say, was slight but it forces us to pay close attention to the next updates and check if it has been something anecdotal, since this week it depends on the aforementioned de-escalation to begin until it returns to a situation of new normality. On March 1, we could start the road to a situation like November, but everything will depend on whether the curve continues to fall for the next few days.

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