
The Councilor of Barrios and Citizen Participation meets with the representatives of neighborhood entities and associations of foreigners

08 July 2011 - 11: 24

The new councilor of Barrios and Citizen Participation, Marcela Server, Held yesterday a meeting of presentation with the representatives of the different collective groups dianenses in which exposed <chip> "The revitalization that from now on will be given to the council, joining Barrios, Citizen Participation and International Relations to meet the needs of citizens in a more comprehensive and effective way".

Meeting of Marcela server with neighborhood entities

The neighborhood entities were informed of the implementation of a system of complaints and suggestions that will be attended by a person from each department that will expedite the procedures, in addition to the intention that the communication be more fluid, making the neighborhood entities the channel of contact with dianenses neighborhoods and districts.

The Councilor Marcela Server also reported her intention to meet With those responsible for Citizen Participation and Neighborhoods in other municipalities, such as Gandia, "To share criteria and actions that may be interesting for our municipality."

Round of contacts with Associations of foreign residents

Server has also met with some of the foreign reentry associations as The English charity Help, In the Xara, Dénia's Friends, Euroclub German and the House of Holland. The mayor has said that it aims to encourage the creation of new associations, as well as granting this group the importance they deserve.

To promote awareness of these associations, the website of the city council will include links to the pages of these associations in which they can better understand their activity and organized events.

Marcela Server promised to arrange visits to the City Council as it is interesting that foreign residents know the municipal offices.

Reunion with the house of Holland

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  1. Carlos says:

    You have invited whoever you were interested in, because I see that there is a lack of people out there ... Like the 1st and 2nd Mariners Grup ...
