
Finish school plantations Arbor Day

04 March 2011 - 00: 00

The last to put their bit have been 20 TAPIS users, who yesterday moved to Park Bassetes to collaborate with Arbor Day.

Since February 1, 370 6th grade students from the Cervantes, Llebeig, Montgó, Vessanes, Maristas, Carmelitas, Paidos and Alfa & Omega, in addition to the aforementioned TAPIS collective, have participated in this initiative. In the 18 sessions that have taken place, the participants have attended an audiovisual projection on the values, importance, dangers, threats and alternatives regarding trees.

The places where plantations have been carried out are the Torrecremada park and the Les Bassetes park and the green areas of Ginjoler and Aldebaran. The species planted are carob, cypress, bahuinia, ash, tree of love, rosemary, lavender, thyme, mastic and durillo. In total, 215 have been planted.

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